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by shaman_of_nataro
Fri Oct 31, 2003 10:24 pm
Forum: Cyberslum
Topic: Blenders!
Replies: 74
Views: 74866

sorry bout the "gay " thing,( and its cuz sora runs around going boing ) wut about a Highlander type thing. the movie suked but i could kinda imagine kite and tsu battling to be the last imortal ( i no they arent imortal but, what the hey)
by shaman_of_nataro
Tue Oct 28, 2003 9:09 pm
Forum: Cyberslum
Topic: Blenders!
Replies: 74
Views: 74866

well he got the voice..... and there r lil kids on this site probably and i dont wana give them stupid ideas
by shaman_of_nataro
Tue Oct 28, 2003 8:58 pm
Forum: Cyberslum
Topic: Blenders!
Replies: 74
Views: 74866

wut about a .hack//music.... they would be in bands and would have a whole battle o the bands type thing :D like mimiru tsu. and bear would be a band, the knites and subaru would be a choir thing, sora would be a [spoiler]gay[/spoiler] pop singer, and i wouls lagh at them (to lazy to put people out ...
by shaman_of_nataro
Sat Oct 18, 2003 2:56 pm
Forum: Cyberslum
Topic: amvs
Replies: 7
Views: 6055


is there n e way to post amv's on this site. i no this will get loked but...............
by shaman_of_nataro
Sat Oct 18, 2003 2:46 pm
Forum: Cyberslum
Topic: The Real Question.
Replies: 35
Views: 34821

welll it is just a video game so they are programed to appear and reapear in places. there (hopefully) isnt any reproduction (between plants :? ) in a video game 8)
by shaman_of_nataro
Thu Sep 25, 2003 8:40 pm
Forum: Cyberslum
Topic: did u realize
Replies: 2
Views: 3463

o i didnt no :(
by shaman_of_nataro
Thu Sep 25, 2003 7:41 pm
Forum: Cyberslum
Topic: did u realize
Replies: 2
Views: 3463

did u realize

jus for the record if u put all the dot hack sign dvds together it spells LOG OUT(the first letter of every title)
by shaman_of_nataro
Sun Sep 21, 2003 10:49 pm
Forum: Cyberslum
Topic: Wut If They Made A Movie?
Replies: 49
Views: 30499

ya he would be an awsome sora or crim i think hes a great actor (did u see once a pon a mexico?) (very of topik)
by shaman_of_nataro
Sun Sep 21, 2003 8:51 pm
Forum: Cyberslum
Topic: Wut If They Made A Movie?
Replies: 49
Views: 30499

naa balmung is different. orlando bloom could be crim or summin.
by shaman_of_nataro
Sun Sep 21, 2003 4:32 am
Forum: Cyberslum
Topic: Wut If They Made A Movie?
Replies: 49
Views: 30499

by shaman_of_nataro
Sun Sep 21, 2003 3:28 am
Forum: Cyberslum
Replies: 2
Views: 3062


i think the best song in all of .hack is the sora banjoe music (iz b my hot beet) :shock: :? :roll: 8)
by shaman_of_nataro
Fri Sep 19, 2003 5:19 pm
Forum: Cyberslum
Topic: Culture War: Voice-overs
Replies: 22
Views: 12454

well i dun think its that bad, mimirus voice, it seems to young for the actual player (outside the world) but i think it fits her personality.
(annoying) :twisted:
by shaman_of_nataro
Thu Sep 18, 2003 6:52 pm
Forum: Cyberslum
Topic: Wut If They Made A Movie?
Replies: 49
Views: 30499

wo thats a lil wierd .....jakie chan....hmmmmm. :? well n e way i think that they should choose some no name people for most of the cast . theyre arent many actors that look like the chars but they mite find some on the street aspesialy for tsucasa
by shaman_of_nataro
Thu Sep 18, 2003 2:40 am
Forum: Cyberslum
Topic: Wut If They Made A Movie?
Replies: 49
Views: 30499

balmung......pretty never use those 2 word s in the same sentance!!!
by shaman_of_nataro
Wed Sep 17, 2003 11:25 pm
Forum: Cyberslum
Topic: Wut If They Made A Movie?
Replies: 49
Views: 30499

it wouldnt be good at all im jus sayin hypotheticly and i think ur talkin about Jet Lee