BLARHG hold on I meant to say that it was still a cross in the game. At least it was when Orca got DDed. Sorry for the confusion. Now, off the subject of Skeith, if you know there are other things that I must find out!
Nuh-uh...I mean Skeith has three yin-yangs down the skinny part of his front in SIGN but not in the games. And it was still a cross in the show. I've never played the Japanese version of the game (only American with Japanese voiceovers) Nor have I read the novels.
Because Elk has that charm about him that Shugo, Reki, Balmung, Sanosuke Sagara, Kenshin Himura, Trunks Briefs, Aoshi Shinomori, Sojiro (don't know his last name) all have that make them hot.
::Takes a deep breath.:: After shedding some tears while watching the last ep. of .hack//SIGN again last night, I noticed that tons of things have changed from the show to the game. First, I think the show was made first, but if I'm wrong please correct me. Now, the most obvious change from the show...
After reading through the info on the Trismegistus DVD, I now have a theory that Morganna takes the cores from areas and fuses them with certain monsters.
This one isn't so it's not reviving, right? Well, I get angry when the game characters seem to use telepathy to talk, because THEIR MOUTHS DO NOT MOVE. I know in most cinematics they do, but in the beginning ones with Orca (INFECTION) he keeps rambling on and on without opening his mouth. St...
No spork..FOON. Fork+Spoon=FOON sorry, that's just something that's me, my friend "Tsukasa" and my friend "Sora" have been arguing about since the beginning of the 6th grade year. Anyway, Ouka calls herself a fighter or a warrior in the first friend "Subaru" ...
Shugo: Haley Joel Osment (dunno why..he was a good sora in KH)
Reki: Whoever does the voice of Riku in KH
Kamui: Same as Gardenia
Balmung: same as in the game
Zeffie: Michelle Ruff