Search found 5 matches

by ElementGold
Mon Nov 07, 2005 1:42 am
Forum: Serious Discussion
Topic: Morganna and the Cursed Wave
Replies: 24
Views: 91658

quite fascinating how things just seem to fit, yes, that happens a lot with video games doesnt it? hm...intriguing ( if thats how you spell it. )
by ElementGold
Mon Nov 07, 2005 1:29 am
Forum: Serious Discussion
Topic: AI Busters.
Replies: 3
Views: 12530

AI busters? like the cobalt knight brigade? hm...there should be someone here called many fans , so many names not yet used...
by ElementGold
Mon Nov 07, 2005 1:20 am
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Mini World update
Replies: 57
Views: 97368

what is the sight for this Mini-World? If any of you see htis, then please PM me, I would really like to know! Thanks in advance!
by ElementGold
Mon Nov 07, 2005 12:56 am
Forum: Serious Discussion
Topic: My Own "WORLD"
Replies: 1
Views: 10166

My Own "WORLD"

Ok, I'm tired of just normal Forums, I am a serious Role-Player. So, lets turn this thread into a Major all text RPG! I'm gonna round up some friends ( Maybe even a boyfriend ) And we are gonna make our own .Hack Legend right here! whaddaya say? If you wanna join me, mail me Pick ...
by ElementGold
Mon Nov 07, 2005 12:52 am
Forum: Serious Discussion
Topic: Hacking and Virus Cores
Replies: 12
Views: 26292

You see, I have a problem with that too, y'see, I read all three of the Manga's and in those, Shugo does need to use the virus core, and Balmung gives it to him after a battle. But, the Anime goes on longer and has so many new episodes in it, that arent in the Manga, that I had to quit watching it b...