Search found 6 matches

by Penguins
Wed Jul 09, 2003 2:19 am
Forum: Cyberslum
Topic: Think about this...
Replies: 35
Views: 16173

LiquidSnake: What are now say that Key of twilight is the fact the phases will overide and take over the the World.
by Penguins
Mon Jun 30, 2003 10:19 pm
Forum: Cyberslum
Topic: Aura Key and the key of twilight
Replies: 11
Views: 9565

Rhyste, no i have not watched all 26 episodes yet i have only seen 20 episodes. i'm sorry elk useing what you said in the wrong way
by Penguins
Sat Jun 28, 2003 2:16 am
Forum: Cyberslum
Topic: Aura Key and the key of twilight
Replies: 11
Views: 9565

--; Use the following analogy; Tsukasa is a the Key, Aura is the Door. When you put the Key in the Door, open it up, and enter it, you're at the time period of twilight.. . . Anyway, Tsukasa's mood changes Aura, and it's ultimately Tsukasa making Aura wake up that causes Twilight. ~~ What exactly d...
by Penguins
Fri Jun 27, 2003 10:03 pm
Forum: Cyberslum
Topic: Aura Key and the key of twilight
Replies: 11
Views: 9565

Because he's being used, most like an object, & his feelings of when he awakes her, will deffinetly effect what the aftermath will be like. Aura is mostly the cause of the twilight, sort of like being the Twilight herself, I suppose. Based on what was elk said is the reason i feel that Aura cou...
by Penguins
Fri Jun 27, 2003 7:09 pm
Forum: Cyberslum
Topic: Aura Key and the key of twilight
Replies: 11
Views: 9565

Could you explain in more detail why you think that Tsukasa is the key of the Twilight for me please
by Penguins
Fri Jun 27, 2003 12:00 am
Forum: Cyberslum
Topic: Aura Key and the key of twilight
Replies: 11
Views: 9565

Aura Key and the key of twilight

I think that Aura is the key of the twilight. I belive that because arua born in the world and by the creator of the Epitaph of the Twilight with the world was based on. If any feels other wise please tell me your why or why not