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by Eggplant of the Twilight
Mon Jul 18, 2005 7:51 am
Forum: .hack//Dusk (Legend of the Twilight)
Topic: Books...
Replies: 11
Views: 25621

Meh, I saw the first ep before I read the first volume. I honestly liked the manga better. *shrugs* Then again, I don't like Sanjuro as much as I like Wiseman.
by Eggplant of the Twilight
Tue Jul 12, 2005 9:33 pm
Forum: .hack//G.U.
Topic: So whats going on with it???
Replies: 30
Views: 66929

*is definitely not dropping $450 for a console he doesn't need just to play G.U.* Hopefully not.

And Kotetsu, it's been said to take place 7 years after Legend of the Twilight.
by Eggplant of the Twilight
Fri Jul 08, 2005 3:44 pm
Forum: .hack Novels
Topic: Tokyopop has now posted the .hack novels on their site!
Replies: 24
Views: 75436

But at least the spelling is correct!
by Eggplant of the Twilight
Fri Jul 01, 2005 5:06 am
Forum: .hack//Liminality and Games
Topic: New Game! .hack//FRAGMENT....ONLINE!
Replies: 67
Views: 220022

Oh, it'll probably come over. I too think it's a pretty stupid idea, but eh, it makes money.

All of the important stuff will probably be accessible offline, while levelling and adventuring can be done online...
by Eggplant of the Twilight
Tue Jun 28, 2005 12:09 pm
Forum: .hack//Liminality and Games
Topic: Parasite Dragon
Replies: 10
Views: 27056

Hmm...sounds like it's flagged that you've already completed the battle...

Or you could be lacking a flag required for it to open up, but that would only happen if you had cheated. *shrugs*
by Eggplant of the Twilight
Mon Jun 20, 2005 1:49 am
Forum: .hack//SIGN
Topic: just wondering
Replies: 5
Views: 20027

*shrugs* I doubt that anyone is too sure, but it seems to me that considering [spoiler]Tsukasa awoke, and her perspective on The World and the real world have switched entirely, (The real world was black and white with red, something that she dreaded while The World he was able to do as he pleased w...
by Eggplant of the Twilight
Sun May 29, 2005 4:46 am
Forum: Fan Works
Topic: Dark/Evil/Alt. Kite cosplay!
Replies: 26
Views: 50976

So then I may see you at Otakon 2K5... (I'll be the Shiki Tohno (from Shingetsutan Tsukhime) cosplayer)

I think the boots shouldn't be that hard though...
by Eggplant of the Twilight
Sat May 28, 2005 2:58 pm
Forum: Fan Works
Topic: Dark/Evil/Alt. Kite cosplay!
Replies: 26
Views: 50976

What event are you doing this cosplay for, by the way?

Also, sewing the strips of metal onto the fabric shouldn't be that bad, if you do it by hand...and those can look enough like staples to get away with it...
by Eggplant of the Twilight
Sat May 28, 2005 2:55 pm
Forum: .hack//G.U.
Topic: Forshadowing?
Replies: 31
Views: 119799

Oh dear...not Gackt...that would be bad...

But yeah, you've got a good point there...I thought it was more of a "Guh!" thing too, come to think of it...
by Eggplant of the Twilight
Sat May 28, 2005 2:40 pm
Forum: Fan Works
Topic: Dark/Evil/Alt. Kite cosplay!
Replies: 26
Views: 50976

Well, you could turn his poofy hat into a poofy hat and wig, so that as long as it's on your head, that's not a problem... but that's not easy to do...
by Eggplant of the Twilight
Sat May 28, 2005 2:38 pm
Forum: .hack Novels
Topic: Tokyopop has now posted the .hack novels on their site!
Replies: 24
Views: 75436

"I knows my english gud!"

and thedude, you really didn't need to do that... -_- Thankfully, they corrected it...
by Eggplant of the Twilight
Sat May 28, 2005 2:35 pm
Forum: .hack//G.U.
Topic: Forshadowing?
Replies: 31
Views: 119799

I don't go to the G.U. board, because the people there are fairly unfriendly with their theories... I think the best topic was on the Anime and Manga board when DRCEQ first discovered it... *shrugs* However, I agree with End of a Shadow, it really doesn't look like they were foreshadowing, so much a...
by Eggplant of the Twilight
Thu May 26, 2005 2:25 am
Forum: .hack//SIGN
Topic: What is with Aura
Replies: 3
Views: 12779

Perhaps his past is pretty negative? I mean, aren't having sad and depressing memories better than having no memories at all, especially if it helps you remember what you were, who you were, and what happened to you?
by Eggplant of the Twilight
Thu May 26, 2005 2:23 am
Forum: .hack//SIGN
Topic: Fireflys
Replies: 4
Views: 13421

...he was already in a coma in the real world...
by Eggplant of the Twilight
Thu May 19, 2005 12:32 am
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: .hack//Enemy TCG- discontinued
Replies: 7
Views: 30636

*shrugs* I saw it coming. The simple fact that I cannot find ANOTHER PLAYER in NYC kind of was the tip-off. *shrugs* If they go on sale, I'll pick 'em up.