Fan Translated E-Text?

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. H A C K // S O R A
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Post by . H A C K // S O R A »

its nice to see small summereys of the story, but i would mutch rather see a translated story even if it was translated word for word.
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Thanks Jejune

Post by Landogarner »

I'm embarrased to say that I couldn't have done the kind of job that Jejune has's really good!

And .HACK//SORA, I think it's going to be a while before we ever see a direct translation. This might not be a bad thing since according my Japanese friend, .hack//AI Buster isn't particularily well written. Sacrelige I know....hehe. Well, I'm placing my support behind Jejune...great job! I'm looking forward to Area.03... Haiyaku! Haiyaku! :wink:
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Post by Rhyste »

... <3 Jejune. Can I put these up on Netslum? ;D With full credit to you, of course. ^o^
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Post by Jejune »

Rhyste: Sure, that's fine. My policy about my translations and such is pretty much that they're free game as long as you don't try to claim them as your own. If you're going to give credit, then I'd like it if you could put in a link to my site, but it's not a big deal. ^^

Landogarner: Ack, I'm sorry... I didn't mean to discourage you from writing your own synopsis or anything. Thank you from the compliment, though. ^^;
I agree that it would probably take some time for anyone to do a full translation, and there's always the question of whether they might not get sick of it halfway through and quit, which is why it's nice to have other sources for information.
I'll try to get the next chapter as quickly as I can, but considering that it's almost a third of the book by itself and that I really need to be working on some translations that I promised people months ago, it could be a little while. ^^;

And by the way... As long as I'm posting, I'm kind of curious if anyone could help me clear up something. I've heard the event that Balmung and Orca clear referred to as "The One Sin," and while that makes sense since it has to do with a fallen angel and everything, the one sentence in the novel I saw that talks about the meaning of the phrase (on page 186) seems to say that it should be "The One Thing." I... have no idea what to do with it. ><

The sentence in question, translated as literally as possible, goes like this: Perhaps "Zawan Shin" was, just as its name, a "one and only thing" - a limited event that only the first party could clear.

Do you think I'm just misunderstanding this? ^^;
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Post by RayJNT »

Very good stuff, Jejune! Keep up the good work!
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Post by Landogarner »

Jejune: Just a little discouraged, but I'll get over it! :D I would definately like to chat about translating sometime if you have the time. It's what I would eventually like to do, but there are so few people to talk to with any experience.

As for the "Zawan Shin" thing....wouldn't Zawan Shin be 'The One Sin' and that Zawan Shin wa, sono namae no touri "hitotsu dake no mono" is just saying that because it is called "The One Sin" it is a one and only thing.

Also, I just got the 2 .hack//Tasogare no Udewa Densetsu manga from kewl! :P
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Post by Jejune »

Okay, I... actually don't have the next chapter yet. At least not the whole thing. ^^;

It's turning out even longer than I expected, so I'm going to post the different sections as I finish them. Right now, the first part of the Mac Anu chapter is up, and I moved the AI Buster page a little bit:

Landogarner: Yeah, that's probably the case about the name. I'd thought about that, but it just seemed... odd. Ah well.

And good! You'd better recover! :P Sure, chatting sometime would be fine, though, um, I should warn you I'm not the best person for advice if you're hoping for that. ^^;
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Post by Jerec »

Wow. Jejune.. thank you for opening AI Buster to us crazy western .hack fans. Your translation skills are well appreciated.
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Post by Oh No Melon! »

If people can translate Xenogears' Perfect Works book, I'm sure someone will translate AI Busters. Give it time, so no worries. Sorry for dredging up such a long dead topic :X
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Post by LiquidSnake »

Rhyste wrote:~270 pgs.
That's not long. I've read "The Godfather" and it's 400 pages. All the "Lord Of The Rings" books are also over 350 pages as well.
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Post by Brad_Evans »

Good News : My Friend want to translate Zero ^^

Bad News : He said "PASS" for AI Buster ^^;
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Post by wave master »

Only one problem with one of us translateing it, it wolud be interesting to dothack fans like us, but it wolud be a tarable book to read.

And what is kanji?
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Post by Xeno »

Landogarner wrote: As for the "Zawan Shin" thing....wouldn't Zawan Shin be 'The One Sin' and that Zawan Shin wa, sono namae no touri "hitotsu dake no mono" is just saying that because it is called "The One Sin" it is a one and only thing.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't Shin also mean death? Zawan Shin could possibly be The One Death.... I only have a limited understanding of Japanese...and I can't read it at all, so I could be wrong about that. Anyway, Its called The One Sin, and i'm pretty sure your right about that translation Jejune. its just pointing out that it was a one time event.
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Post by SA-kun »

I haven't seen "Zawan Shin" rendered in Japanese myself, but I think it's safe to say that it's all in Katakana, seeing as how it's translated as "The One Sin."

At first, I thought that "The One Sin" was a strange way to render "Zawan Shin," but then I remembered the opening Flash movies for the Japanese FFX site and they rendered "Sin" as "Shin." Then it suddenly made sense as to why it's "The One Sin."
Last edited by SA-kun on Mon Jul 21, 2003 8:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by MahoTheNeko »

Humm... are only japanese versions of the book ? cuz... i know alot languages... but japanese NOT!!!
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