[spoiler] I really wanna know, what did Tokouga mean at the end of the second Liminality episode when he said "we got them by the tail" or something like that after Kyo told him about the Epitaph of Twilight? [/spoiler]
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I dont recall too much from Liminality 2,to me,he is just getting closer to solving the coma incidents and trying to find out what is really going on in the game.
"True strength comes with time..through presistent training!!"-Ouka,Vol. 2
That's obvious but what I wanna know is if it relates to what he's trying to find out about CCcorp or if it relates to what the girls Mai, Yuki, and Kyo are trying to find out. I get the feeling that Tokouga has a personal agenda that hasn't been made clear yet. .
Tokuoka doesn't really have his own agenda, to be honest. I think what he meant when he said "we have them by the tail" is because they can use the story of the game against them to gain information on what on earth is really happening.
Budget Zen: When you see something so stupid that your mind goes blank rather than try to rationalize it.
Tsukasa wrote:Tokuoka doesn't really have his own agenda, to be honest. I think what he meant when he said "we have them by the tail" is because they can use the story of the game against them to gain information on what on earth is really happening.
I get it now. I keep forgetting that no one knows how ATLMIT (did I spell it right?) works. All the creators no longer work for the company. That means the guys at CyberConnect have no clue what's in the system. Oh man are those guys in for some serious lawsuits.
The Epitaph of Twilight is the story of my life. Everything in it has either happened or it will happen eventually.
Tsukasa wrote:Tokuoka doesn't really have his own agenda, to be honest.
Well, I think he feels some guilt over the coma victims, given his involvement in creating/producing/translating/whatever The World game. Maybe he wants to take down CC as some sort of penance.
I think its more of a "I can't believe this is happening and know one will listen to me so i have to stop it myself by teaming up with a bunch of young japanese girls" sorta thing.