I know why ALTIMIT wasn't affected by Pluto's Kiss!

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Post by Rhyste »

LiquidSnake wrote:Alright, then tell me mr. know-it-all, why wasn't ATLIMIT affected by Pluto's Kiss then?
The reason why Altimit was affected by Pluto's Kiss was never defined, meaning only theories can be made. Yours has no fact in it and we've already disproved and falsified it by. The eight phases are not safeguards and were not even existing at the time of Pluto Kiss. They = Morgana, Mograna = The World, thus The World has to exist for the Phases to exist, and you supposed already know they weren't around then, SO STFU YOU N00B AND STOP TRYING TO BE HIGH AND MIGHTY. Maybe you should try reading. Now OTHER PEOPLE have already posted theories in this thread, including myself - but incase you DIDN'T READ IT ALREADY SINCE IT WAS POSTED UP THERE, here it is again:
My theory is that Altimit paid someone to do it then blamed it on a 10-year-old kid based on the recent viruses being made by children; thus making it look "normal." With their OS as the only one who survived, they basically monopolize the OS market, forcing Harold Hyuek to bring about the AI who makes the real world move on: You forget their businessmen, and their corporate, etc etc, and that if they had that much money, they just might as *well.*
K? Thx.
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Post by Brad_Evans »

*pretends not to see the fight than occured in the thread*

idem with Rhyste's 1st post ^^
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Post by LiquidSnake »

Duskino wrote:Rhyste is a girl o_o

AND ALSO, ALTIMIT's survival of Pluto Kiss is probably one of those things that are never explained. It survived. Accept that fact. And if you already read what's been posted, you would've SEEN the theories already posted. -_-; Just shut up and look.
There is an explanation as to why ALTIMIT wasn't affected by Pluto's Kiss when it first struck. Think about it, ALTIMIT wasn't struck by it until Liminality 2, and that at least four years after the incident. Even then it was only in one area of Japan. It's clear that Pluto's Kiss never really went away, people just switched to ALTIMIT. If problems on the net (and the World) didn't make themselves apparent until the first three Phases were defeated, then the Eight Phases must have somehting to do with the reason why Pluto's Kiss didn't affect ALTIMIT.
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Post by End of a Shadow »

LiquidSnake wrote:then the Eight Phases must have somehting to do with the reason why Pluto's Kiss didn't affect ALTIMIT.
You guys aren't listening.
1) The World is a game made for ALTIMIT
2) The World WASN'T even made or in development during the outbreak of Pluto's Kiss
3) If The World doesn't exist, explain to me HOW the 8 phases protected ALTIMIT when Pluto's Kiss killed all the other OS?

4) Morganna is The World, the 8 phases are Morganna

I can't stress this enough, you people keep going back to the theory that the phases defended ALTIMIT from being infected, but how can that be when The World wasn't even made?
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Post by Brad_Evans »

I agree that The phases didn't exist by time time of Pluto Kiss, tho ^_^;; it's obvious ^^;

but..... why do data draining the phases causes pluto Kiss#2?
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Post by Xeno »

I agree with Rhyste on this one...the corporate world is full of lies and sabotage. I wouldn't put it past ALTIMIT to have pay'd someone off to create a virus that would destroy every OS but there's...I also think WNC was in on it... you don't just sit idlely by and watch every OS out there be attack by some virus while only one remains unaffected. Anyway, I don't really thinks its that important...was is important is the current events in the world, and so thats what the deveopers focused on. So we may never know.
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Post by Rhyste »

There is an explanation as to why ALTIMIT wasn't affected by Pluto's Kiss when it first struck. Think about it, ALTIMIT wasn't struck by it until Liminality 2, and that at least four years after the incident. Even then it was only in one area of Japan. It's clear that Pluto's Kiss never really went away, people just switched to ALTIMIT. If problems on the net (and the World) didn't make themselves apparent until the first three Phases were defeated, then the Eight Phases must have somehting to do with the reason why Pluto's Kiss didn't affect ALTIMIT.
Yes there is an explanation, and yours is not it because it interferes with FACTUAL INFORMATION. If you're not going to listen, then I suggest a mod lock this topic because it's going utterly nowhere due to the extreme ignorance and blatant stupidity of the topic starter. Or just because if he's not going to listen to us, WTF is the point of continuing the topic further?
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Post by Bear »

I'm disappointed...you all should be able to hold a civil debate, considering your posting histories.

Locked. I don't expect to see this sort of thing happen again.