Does anyone else have weird nicknames for the characters

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Post by K.K.C. »

Tsukasa: Little wavemaster
Mimiru: Baper (dont ask) Mimi
Bear: The bear, blue man
Subaru: little wings, The lady who rides the boat
Crim: Crimy, Crimo, Spiky, the guy who captured Tsukasa, The hot one
Sora: The Cow shoed cricket
BT: That B****
Silver Knight: Issues, Stupid Knight
A-20: Hyper Monkey (also dont ask)
Maha: The cat character
Balmung:That guy Rhyste is always talking about
Morgana: Annoying voice
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nick names for characters in the game Dot//Hack

Post by optimazero »

Well im registered in the game as Optimazero
and my Kite's name would be Hex

hmm. Hex is a cool name its my name dont copy it ok?.
thank you.. Dot//Hack is addictive like a drug you know
ive only played for a few days but im hooked if anyone knows how to get a really good weapon from throwing an old one into the springs write back thanx

:?: Hex//Hack

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Post by thedudewhosadude »

well you can't request game help, 'tis against rules; go to for that. And i don't think your post wasn't on topic.
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Post by Laxjeff2002 »

I just got two
Tsukasa- that weird guy
Bear- that old guy
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Post by Dark770 »

My bro doesnt rember a thing of what he see's on t.v so he calls
Mimru-a mime
B.T-weird lady
Krim-Guy with weird
Suburu-the persron who is always so confused she never knows anything lady(confused lady)
Tsuckasa-A guy with facepainting
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Post by thedudewhosadude »

after showing my sister some episodes, her list goes as follows:

Tsukasa: Dress-boy/the house
Suburu: Boat girl/car
Mimiru: Bad V.A
B.T: Hopless-Romantic-temptress-like B!tch
Bear: Old half-naked guy
Silver Knight: Kitty head
Maha: Eyepatch
Sora: Sound effects on the loose
Krim: My boyfriend (remember my sister made these names)
Aura: Dead floating girl
Teddy Bear in Aura's Domain: Winnie the Poo from R.E (really long story)
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Post by Andy00 »

Tsukasa: Angstlord
Subaru: Faker. (She's also an angstlord, but pretends not to be.)
Bear: Well-Groomed Barbarian Guy.
Aura: Digital Baby Jesus
[spoiler] (C'mon, she comes fully online on Christmas in Liminality 4.) [/spoiler]
Mimiru: The normal one.
Sora: Chloe's older brother. (Noir reference)
SilverKnight: Fugnut.
BT: Lonely Bitca
Krim: God only knows. (Seriously, this is how I refer to him. I don't _get_ him.)
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Post by Dejiko »

ok, since I noticed, that this post has been on here since I first started, and I put in a rather stupid post, that looks like my sister did, I'll redo it

Tsukasa: ((dun' laugh)) He/She ((well it's true!))

Maha: Gravity Defying Cat

Aura: upsidedown sleeper

Balmung: Glory Hog / or / Mr.Favorite

Subaru: The Hottie

Bear: The Brains

BT: the smart a**

Mimiru: ... hmm... forgot the nickname I gave Mimiru... oh well...
Pilot: say Billy, have ya ever seen a grown man naked..?

Billy: .. Oo;; .oO( WTF?! )
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Post by Dark Orb »

Lets see I only have a couple that me and my girlfriend made up out of boredom.


BT- Bacon Tomato!!!
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Post by Robby-san »

Tsukasa: Shim
Bear: Overgrown Smurf
Mimiru:the entertaining one
Krim: le blue hair ( long story)
Sora: the guy who says cool things (like vroom!)

Thats about it. :)
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Post by K.K.C. »

And, I would have blue hair! You gatta have bule hair!
Glad theres someone else out there who knows of the japanese Cartoon making.
Well, I decided to let my sister watch it to. These are her nick names:

Tsukasa: Selfish white haired boy/girl

Mimiru: Ms. Metal Bikini

Bear: That Blue guy

BT: B!tchy Dumb Blond

Sora: Stealing thunder guy

Subaru: Boat Girl, the girl with the zit on her head

Crim: Jeffy Weffy Kuns (long long story)

Maha: The Cat with the Hat
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Post by Dejiko »

dude, Subaru doesn't have a zit on her head, it's a symbol...
Pilot: say Billy, have ya ever seen a grown man naked..?

Billy: .. Oo;; .oO( WTF?! )
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Post by Guynietoren »

It's a joke. Same kind of joke as someone's entire head being a zit. It's big and red, and has it's own language. :D
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Post by FireDraconian »

*nods solemly* See, Subaru is actually crippled. That zit on her forehead is slowly taking over her brain and she can't control her bowel movements.
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Post by AiNoAssassin »

Well, when I first started watching the series, everyone was basically "that <insert hair color here> haired guy/girl," or "the one with the same voice actor/actress as <insert another character with same voice actor/actress here>" ^^; I'm horrible with names, but I have this strange knack for recognizing seiyuu all the time.

As for nicknames... I normally stick to actual names to avoid confusion, although there are times here & there when I will refer to Tsukasa as Tsu-kun, but that's usually only when I'm in a "fangirlish" mood. ^_^

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