Sora wrote:History teacher? No, I simply sat in my various history classes and learned what was taught to me. Not to mention, various books, pieces of music, and taking a French class or two helped.
Marie Antoinette is a very, very famous historical figure, though, so I would think most people would know the basics, especially her famous quote, 'Let them eat cake', in reference to the complaints that the peasants and commoners had nothing to eat.
lol hey it was just a joke. Anyways, I learn more and more history from you err now I do. I need to pay attention in history more often. Anyways, when the Noble grunty does that laugh. it just scares me.
FireDraconian wrote:Of course, depending on the randomness, he apologizes afterwards and says that he thought he was talking to someone else. Felzen? Something like that.
Nah he was apolgizing for like ignoring you or something because he said he was think of felzen and then he asks "Who are you anyways?". So he didnt say he thought he was talking to another person or something.
but dont you think its kinda odd how the grunty asks who you are though? I mean shouldnt it know you since you kinda raised it and all ....o_o'
I wonder if what an npc said in the game was true.........he said that if you go near dungeons witht he fingers sticking and wiggling that it would grab your grunty away from you (if you were riding it of course).....if its true.........then say goodbye noble grunty XD
Kenta wrote:I wonder if what an npc said in the game was true.........he said that if you go near dungeons witht he fingers sticking and wiggling that it would grab your grunty away from you (if you were riding it of course).....if its true.........then say goodbye noble grunty XD
if thats the case then going to Lambda Embaressing Transparent Virgin would make your pary members clothes transluscent
I am going to live forever or die tryying.
-John Yossarian
Kenta wrote:I wonder if what an npc said in the game was true.........he said that if you go near dungeons witht he fingers sticking and wiggling that it would grab your grunty away from you (if you were riding it of course).....if its true.........then say goodbye noble grunty XD
if thats the case then going to Lambda Embaressing Transparent Virgin would make your pary members clothes transluscent
Only the virgins. Which would definately be interesting to see.
"A friend... or perhaps, a foe. A meddler with a warning." -Helba, .hack//Infection