You guys may want to go easy on people...

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Post by Tsukasa »


I'm guilty of the fact that I usually don't read the TOS in most places myself, but I do usually skim over it, at least and try to get the jist of what it says, honestly. However, I believe Bear created a custom TOS for the board that you agree to. This contains information such as where the rules are and whatnot. I got my account on here before it was written, though, so... I don't know exactly what it says, myself. n.n;;

Nevertheless, I'm fairly sure it says that it is in your best interest to read the rules and announcements. I bet I can have Bear make a statement on this one.

The announcements board pretty much exists for the sole purpose of letting people know when we've made an addendum to any of the rules, or if there's something coming out that the people here may be interested in, so that they don't have to wonder 'What is this that they're talking about?'



However, I did bring this up to Bear as well as a couple of other things... I'm not sure on what the 'official verdict' is yet, though. ^-^;;; Nevertheless...

The thing that upsets me the most, on here, are people who neglect to read any of the announcements. It's like any effort we're putting in to keep you guys informed and up to speed is going to nothing. We have that board for a reason, much like the rest of this board. Just because you can't post in it, does it mean that it's not meant to be read.

....and it should be read, as that's where I put my filesharing ruling. I see that rule broken almost 2-3 times a week sometimes. c.c;; The whole reason it gets quoted in the message is because of the fact that no one bothers to read it before they post about it.

Okay.. Yeah... End rant. n.n;;

[EDIT! I forgot something!]

OH YES! The game help rules! I get upset about that because it's written in BIG LETTERS on a sticky post "WE DO NOT PROVIDE GAME HELP HERE!".

n.n;;; Yeah. See? Things like that. n.n;; We try to make it obvious on what we're gonna gripe on... But sometimes it can't be helped. It's like a Slayers board I used to go on. They had to make "THERE IS NO FOURTH SEASON" in HUGE YELLOW (on a black background! Ick!) text, and the admin ALMOST set it to flash too. @.@;; *dies*

Seriously, I'd like for people to actually pay a bit more attention to the forum before they go diving right into making a post sometimes... It's a handful already with people following the rules (case in point- I was late to class and was hurrying to move KNight's posts yesterday, and didn't read them all the way to see what they were. n.n;; Sorry! ^^;; ), that it gets tiring to have to repeat rules when it could have been prevented by a simple read of the announcements and some of the other topics. I think there's even an announcement on the fact that we made the ruling on the gamehelp... I'd have to look to be sure. n.n;;
Last edited by Tsukasa on Thu Sep 04, 2003 11:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Elk »

Also, to proove that some people actually do follow the rules, some people point out a rule broken, hoping that the "offender" learns not to do it again; Sort of a way of helping the mods.
There are about 10 topics locked a week. I'm not sure about other people; but it makes me angry when that happens. Doesn't it use up bandwidth?
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Post by Tsukasa »

Elk_capsule_figure wrote:Also, to proove that some people actually do follow the rules, some people point out a rule broken, hoping that the "offender" learns not to do it again; Sort of a way of helping the mods.
There are about 10 topics locked a week. I'm not sure about other people; but it makes me angry when that happens. Doesn't it use up bandwidth?
(Stupid edit key being next to the quote key. Sorry! ^^;;; )

It's very upsetting, isn't it? ._.

I wish I could see a few more times when several topics aren't locked when it could have been prevented with simple common sense (ie, staying on topic), or having read the rules.

That's a perfect reason for the rules to be stated. If you don't do that, the offender doesn't know what they're doing wrong and that won't get anyone anywhere fast. Right?
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Post by Elk »

Exactly. & that's why we do it. (note: I saw we, because I'm not the only one who points out msitakes.)
The more & more atht it happens it just gets annoying. Although, I may have a solution.
Like on the topisc for rules & for the announcements sections. You could add "New Here? please read this." it's pretty pathetic as an idea.. but its' also pathetic that some people can't use common sense.
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Post by Kama »

Okay, the only problem here is that the moderators [like said before] are ultranazis.

ANYTHING they do not see fit, does not get any compassion, it's not under the guidelines, we must be idiots no to see it. Like a post made in the past by somone's sister who just wanted to let everyone know that her brother got hit by a car and is okay. The moderators did not allow ANY compassion or freedom and locked it. And instead of HELPING the newbies like they could they just go "LOCKED c.c;;;" or something like that. To me it seems like somone breaks the rules and immediately the moderators go "OMFG! OMFG! ALERT ALERT THIS IS AN IDIOT!" and lock the topic without any consideration as to helping the original poster.

I'm not asking for full fledged freedom of speech, but the moderators don't allow ANY freedom at all. Even in a case where somone just wanted to let his friends know that he was okay after a dangerous accident, they locked it with what looked like they had no human compassion for somone's feelings whatsoever. I think the moderators should calm down a bit and quit throwing their power around. These are observations and personal interpertations/guesses, not flames.
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Post by Elk »

Kama wrote:Okay, the only problem here is that the moderators [like said before] are ultranazis.
That's a continuous(sp?) name that people call mods that have rules. The mods here are actually better than other places. Want Nazis? goto oekaki central.
Like a post made in the past by somone's sister who just wanted to let everyone know that her brother got hit by a car and is okay. The moderators did not allow ANY compassion or freedom and locked it.
If you didn't know; This is a .hack discussion board. It's not a place that concerns real life matters. Plus, it was me that said that topic should had been locked in the first place. as i recall, tsukasa & i both appologised for the incident, but it wasn't .hack related.
And instead of HELPING the newbies like they could they just go "LOCKED c.c;;;" or something like that. To me it seems like somone breaks the rules and immediately the moderators go "OMFG! OMFG! ALERT ALERT THIS IS AN IDIOT!" and lock the topic without any consideration as to helping the original poster.
The mods rarely need to help the newbs, since many other people already have; but the same questions get asked over & over. If past topic repeats are posted, the Mods that lock it give the link to the other topic.

So, now teh Elk is tired of arguing. I hope this gets locked soon.
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Post by Sora »

..... x_x

Allow me to explain a little something that some people may have missed.

Just because a topic is locked, it doesn't mean that it was necessarily a bad topic, or that it offended us, but many times we moderators consider a topic to have no more room for further discussion. Questions that have been answered are no longer needed to be open posts. Announcements, such as the one regarding someone's brother being hit by a car. Again, it isn't a discussion post, it is an announcement post, and there's no need to discuss it. If there is to be compassion, you can PM that person, and if you took the steps to do that, kudos to you, because that shows that you really -do- care.

We use our best judgement in deciding what posts to lock and when. Sometimes discussions have been discussed to death and they go offtopic. These posts are locked because, in my opinion, and for sake of reference LATER, you can always just start a new topic on this particular subject and go from there.

Do you catch my meaning?

So, if you're being offended by locked posts, I suggest you not be. It isn't an insult, and it isn't us just being mean or without compassion, it's us cutting down on what we consider needless discussion. Our intention is not to offend anyone, but if you are being offended, I apologize, but try to be more understanding of our policies so you won't be so offended in the future, ne?

Don't hate me because I'm l337iful ;_;