.hack//gift (warning: Very scary)

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Post by Rhyste »

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Tabris 17th Angel
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Post by Tabris 17th Angel »

Xeno wrote:Wait a minute now...and they're gonna release this with a ''T'' rated game??? I bet it'll be edited like crazy...even if it is just an extra.
I believe .hack//GIFT is going to be released on .hack//SIGN vol.6 (which is scheduled to be a two-disc volume). I'm not sure if the extra disc is Limited Edition or not. //SIGN vol.6 will contain episodes 23-26, plus "Intermezzo" (27) and //GIFT.

I was looking for a link to confirm it, but didn't find one right now. If anyone has a link containing info about //SIGN vol.6, please post it. ;)
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Post by SA-kun »

Tabris 17th Angel wrote:
Xeno wrote:Wait a minute now...and they're gonna release this with a ''T'' rated game??? I bet it'll be edited like crazy...even if it is just an extra.
I believe .hack//GIFT is going to be released on .hack//SIGN vol.6 (which is scheduled to be a two-disc volume). I'm not sure if the extra disc is Limited Edition or not. //SIGN vol.6 will contain episodes 23-26, plus "Intermezzo" (27) and //GIFT.

I was looking for a link to confirm it, but didn't find one right now. If anyone has a link containing info about //SIGN vol.6, please post it. ;)
I'm not sure on the inclusion of .hack//GIFT with volume 6, but you've forgotten to mention that episode 28, "Unison," will also be on .hack//SIGN volume 6.

The extra disc comes regardless of whether or not the volume is a special edition. The SE extras for volume 6 have been unannounced.
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Post by Sora »

Considering this is a thread about .hack//GIFT and not Intermezzo and Unison, I'm not surprised it wasn't mentioned.

Moreso, I haven't heard anything to contradict the previously posted information that .hack//GIFT was going to be an Easter Egg with .hack//Quarantine, possibly on the included Liminality DVD. I've heard nothing about it being included with the last DVD set.

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