Egh, I'm just not into cute, nor the "cuteness" of those dang grunty's. Hey, I would never hurt a real animal (except maybe that dang dog that has my balcony full of fleas) *gets slingshot* C'mere lil doggy...
P.S. Duskino- I'm the one who makes the AI kill those dd'd monsters! :b
"Say hello to my lil' friend!"- Scarface/ Possible Viagra commercial
its hard for me to kill the so called cute monsters because i dont like wasting my time by killing it and then only getting 1exp when you can kill like an red wyrm and get more than 1exp
The best way to live life is to live it on the edge, if your not your taking up too much space...
Now, the thing about animals in video games is, if you don't kill them, they'll probably kill you. It's been that way since Donkey Kong, Galaxian, Centipede, Dig Dug...
Just remember, those suckers'll get up later and try it again. So lock and load!
'Here, it's not much. This is a special quarter. Heads and tails are reversed!'
ah yes the raising of grunties. if you screw it up hten you become like me a pc with 200 noble gruties and one of everything else... okay its only twelve but after hearing their good bye spech so many times it make you want to kill them on the field in secret!
I don't mind killing those DD monsters that are so cute. But if I wanted to observe them that badly I'd tel my party members to standby and watch the little guy run around.