Helba IRL: Male or female?

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Helba IRL: Male or female?

Post by jsears »

I've heard that Helba could be male. But is it true? I heard quotes like "No, that can't be, because of Helba's gender." So I'm assuming right now that she COULD be male IRL?

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Post by Rhyste »

I think she's a he IRL. -.-;; That's the cases on some MMORPG's. There's also the possibility that Helba is Ichirou.
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Post by CRtwenty »

I kind of think that Helba is more then one person, sort of a collective avatar for a group of hackers, as opposed to one single person. But that's just a theory of mine...

It'd be cool if Helba was that one girl from Liminality 2, but I'm pretty sure that Helba's actually a guy in real life.
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Post by Xebexz »

I agree, I think Helba is just an alias for a group of hackers, and although she speaks as one person definitively in //SIGN, that doesn't all mean she is alone in this.
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Post by MeultimaSama »

Helba might be a single person.

[spoiler]In the Hack Encyclopedia, someone translated a line saying Helba is Harold's apprentice. Well, it appeared to refer to her as one person, anyway.[/spoiler]
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Post by Elk »

I heard that Helba was Harold's brother, who was/is quite jealouse of Harold. O.o;;
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Post by Spike Spiegal »

Or maybe Helba is Emily, and she never died, and it was all a conspiracy to make Harold to go crazy! Or not..
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Post by Cherry//CoRuPtIoN AnGeL »

She could be Emma, but that would be rightout dumb. Actually, I think Helba is a she. Maybe she was Emma's friend or something? I mean since she seems to know so much about The World... When she talks and you just hear her voice, she definately sounds like a woman though. I guess Helba is just another one of those 'mysterious' characters that there seems to be quite a lot of in .hack.
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Post by CRtwenty »

Maybe she was the Elementary school kid who was blamed for Pluto's Kiss, and now she's out for revenge... :twisted:
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Post by Eggplant of the Twilight »

As far fetched as that is, it's an unsettling possibility...

But why would Kuro no Bito work for him/her if he/she was younger than him?
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Post by Hoadric »

After seeing the third Liminality...I began to wonder about that as well.....I suspected Ichiro Soto to be Helba...I believe he was using the name Bith the Black as a cover up for him really being Helba....so i suppose its a bit of a mystery.

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Post by Robby-san »

Im really guessing Helba's a guy. Would many girls make their characters have such a skimpy dress and have such a.....um.....chest? ¬_¬
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Post by Rogue_Noir »

Robby-san wrote:Im really guessing Helba's a guy. Would many girls make their characters have such a skimpy dress and have such a.....um.....chest? ¬_¬
Yeah.. look at Mimiru and Blackrose
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Post by Rhyste »

Mimiru and Blackrose's character skins are part of the actual game though; Helba's isn't.
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Post by CRtwenty »

Well if Helba actually is the kid who was blamed for Pluto's Kiss, that'd make her(him) what, like 14 during the games? So I could see why she would call up one of her hacking friends to act as her "avatar" in the real world...

If she's as good of a hacker as she appears to be I could see why somebody like Kiro would be working for her (he's her padawan hacker :p).
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