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Post by Nips »

I like .hack because I think that the concept is really cool. I loved the characters at first, but then many of them were reincarnated into another character in another series that looked and and acted similarly... Like Invisible Egg! said, it really wears off after a while. The gameplay sucks horribly. Once again, the concept of the games are really neat, but everything else just kind of dies. The only thing that I never get tired of is the soundtrack for SIGN...
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Post by YikiOminamo »

ya invisible egg does have a point about everything just starts to wear off but it is good and the "then many of them were reincarnated into another character in another series that looked and and acted similarly" thing nip wrote is very true. THE SOUNDTRACK FOR SIGN NEVER GETS OLD!![/quote]
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Post by Cherry//CoRuPtIoN AnGeL »

For me? Several reasons. ^_^ For one thing, I'm a biggie on computers, and I just found the whole concept of a "corupting game" really interesting. The first episode of SIGN (In Japanese) just sorta had me stuck. I like a lot of action in some anime, but after a while THAT gets so old. .hack is just original. I like the air of mystery and suspense in the anime.

I love the manga, but the UdeDen anime... in my oppinion wasn't great. Angst had no part in it, and it was just... messed up and... plotless... Anyway, Liminality was pretty cool since it was a lot like SIGN. I have to admit this; I have yet to play the games.

Oh, and I love the songs. I don't know why, but I just do and I can't help it. @_@ My favorites to date include Key of the Twilight, Edge, and The World, among others. But the main reason I like .hack is probably because I have never ever seen an anime character as much like me as Tsukasa. I'm serious, the moment I saw the fist episode of SIGN, I could tell that I could relate to him for some reason. Go figure. I also really like trying to figure out the plot. It's confusing, but the more I think about it, the more I like .hack.

I guess everyone has their oppinion though. Not a lot of my friends like .hack much cuz it's too slow for them, but sometimes I feel as though the anime was made for me. XD
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Post by Kamoora »

There is just something about the show that grabs your attention and keeps it there. I'm not sure I really even like the show I just know I can't stand to miss it. It's got alot of feeling in it to. And you just have to either laugh your head off or cry. You understand and feel just the way the characters do because they show the pain so well. It's not a choice to like it at all it's being push agenst your will. But the funny part is that I don't really mind.
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Post by Tabris 17th Angel »

The Characters, the concept, the music.

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Post by Brad_Evans »

Subaru XD

The concept got me intrested in the beginning, than the music and the story.

The only thing I hate about it is the very crappy gameplay >_<
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Post by thedudewhosadude »

yeah, that's what originally ripped my friend away from .hack. He's like, "How do you attack?" "Just hit the X button." "And?...." "Well.....that's it......."
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Post by Seagret »

Yeah, maybe they should've taken a cue from Phantasy Star Online with the attacks and all. The fact that I couldn't move while the enemies pounded on me with special attacks annoyed me a bit, too. But, since I don't even have a PS2, I don't really have any seething hatred for it.
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