Wavemaster Minka wrote:Ever notice that the person who does Kite sounds exactly like the person who does Kite from Trigun(in the two sand steamer episode things)? ._.;;;
Yeah, I noticed it. Another point of intresest (maybe) is that the same person (or at least a person who has exactly the same voice) plays the voice of Musashi in the game "Brave Fencer Musashi" (but I'm still better with a sword then he ever could be).
THATS why he sounded familiar..I knew I heard his voice somewhere.
Better with a sword,huh? Feh,it's just a game character..get off it.
The name is just based off the story of Miyamoto Musashi,who was a famed swordsman from Japan's history.
"True strength comes with time..through presistent training!!"-Ouka,Vol. 2
Duskino wrote:I spend a lot of time playing .hack thinking this...
"Hey, that sounds like Izzy. And that sounds like BlackWarGreymon. Omigod, that's Geckomon's voice. That person sounds like Sora..."
i do that same thing with every dub i hear "wait....i've heard that voice before *sleepless night* i got it! its Richard Cox (inu yasha/ bit cloud/ etc)!"
I do that... When I watched the first ep of .hack//SIGN, I thought, "OMFG...It's JIM HAWKING!!" o_o;;;
I nearly fainted when Geneshaft first came on on Anime Unleashed, not because of the great opening theme but because of all the VAs. ::sigh:: Yes, I do like dubbing more than subbing because half the time the subtitles will be completely different than what the dialogue actually is :coff coff InuYasha vs Thunder brothers coff coff:: Anyway, only 3 people from .hack//SIGN did not do voices of people in Geneshaft ( Bear, Paul Mercier, Crim, Lex Lang, and Silver Knight, Doug Rye) And I thought it was interesting to hear familiar voices portraying different personalities. I have a hard time figuring out who the voices are if I don't pay attention to the credits though..is Richard Cox the same person as Richard Hayworth? (InuYasha and Kenshin) That's been bugging me a while...
Kingdom Hearts Retaliation Status:
Destiny Island 70% complete
Silent Phalanx Party 30% complete
Kogun791 wrote:Yes, I do like dubbing more than subbing because half the time the subtitles will be completely different than what the dialogue actually is :coff coff InuYasha vs Thunder brothers coff coff::
The subs were fine the way they were,I saw no probelm with them,since that is the original dialouge,NOT the dubs.Of course its going to sound different in the dubs,the VAs have to mouth the words while reading the lines,so yes,they have to edit it or shorten it just to get enough in there.Even at the beginning of the show with Kaeda talking on Shakespearish..that pissed me off.Stupid dub companies need to get their history lessons fixed,there is a Major difference between English history and Japanese history,they never used "ye" in their language.
Yeah..enough of that.
I cant think of anything .hack related for this..
"True strength comes with time..through presistent training!!"-Ouka,Vol. 2
Kogun791 wrote:Yes, I do like dubbing more than subbing because half the time the subtitles will be completely different than what the dialogue actually is
Random note- this is actually because the original script has to be adapted to fit the time restraints necessary to 'dub' the line in place. If you're going for accuracy, the subtitled version will be your friend. They don't have the same restraints that prevent them from giving the most accurate translation possible.
Budget Zen: When you see something so stupid that your mind goes blank rather than try to rationalize it.
[quote="YashaOokami"]there is a Major difference between English history and Japanese history,they never used "ye" in their language.[quote]
I know, I can't help but laugh every time I hear her talk...
Anyway, back on topic... umm..... well, this has really been discussed more times than I can remember... I have nothing new to say... I think I'll go back in my hole now.
Lycoris: What is the name of your spear?
Alberio: It is the Divine Spear of Wotan.
Lycoris: It is a Spear of God.
Alberio: That's right.
Elk_capsule_figure wrote:Well... I'll put it simpley.... ALOT... Dubbing companies tend to use their voice actors over & over.... Interesting how that happens... (all of Digimon's english voice cast is in Love Hina ._.;;; )
Good observation, but pretty much everyone already knew that....
And everyone in Inuyasha is used in X-Men: Evolution
Inuyasha-That fast dude
Kurt's g/f-kagome
sesshy-prof x
and so on (over 15!)
Duskino wrote:I spend a lot of time playing .hack thinking this...
"Hey, that sounds like Izzy. And that sounds like BlackWarGreymon. Omigod, that's Geckomon's voice. That person sounds like Sora..."
i do that same thing with every dub i hear "wait....i've heard that voice before *sleepless night* i got it! its Richard Cox (inu yasha/ bit cloud/ etc)!"
Holy crap!
But who does Richard Cox dub(in .hack//)?
Eh..I dont think Richard does anyone in .hack...not that I can remember.
Robby just mentioned Richard because of the voices he has done in those shows he just listed.
"True strength comes with time..through presistent training!!"-Ouka,Vol. 2