The true power of the Data Drain?

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The true power of the Data Drain?

Post by Tsunami the Silver Dragon »

For a long time I have been pondering what the Twilight is and what kind of power it has.

Then one day something happened where I just figured it out.

The Twilight is the combined form of the light and dark.

So there for it would have the power to over come both light and dark as if they were nothing.

This is when I began to think about the power that the Data Drain had...

It was then easy to see how such power could pull in the players of "The World"...

The Data Drain was so powerful that it was born of the Twilight giving it the power to surpass the light and dark....

This also explains why Aura and Morganna can't use the Data Drain direcetly...

When light fights against dark, regardless of the victor, both shall fall....

Light is what it is because of the dark and the dark is what it is because of the light...

However, how Harald managed to be able to bring about this power is totally beyond me....

You will have to excuse me if this was mentioned somewhere else as I have not seen it....
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Post by thedudewhosadude »

Well, do you recall what Aura first said to Orca when she gave him the book? "The power it holds can either bring forth salvation or destruction at the whim of the user." Well, let's think first, what Twilight is. Twilight is the time period before sunset and dark. We can then state that it is basically an even mix of light and dark. However, you seem to be thinking of twilight as a who or what, rather than a when. I'm assuming you're talking about Shugo's bracelet. Note that equal parts light and dark would balance each other out, somewhat like yin and yang.

Aura and Morganna could use Data Drain directly. At least, Aura was supposed to be able to, but then Morganna took it away. Aura then made the Data Drain into the Book of Twilight. Book of light and darkness. What you do with it determines what will happen. Will you use it to do good? Or will you go around making people fall into comas? What you say is true; light cannot exist without darkness and vice-versa. That theory is somewhat mentioned in 'Kingdom Hearts.' "The closer you get to the light, the longer your shadow becomes" The light and dark relationship is also mentioned when Aura tells you about Cubia's relation to the bracelet. However, when the two powers conflict, even if there is a victor, the opposite force will still be in existance.

Also note that light and darkness aren't just things that you can see. Light can be hope, life, happyness, and everything else. Darkness can be death despair, and every other thing. However, there is a saying that could somewhat enter this issue, "One man's junk is another man's treasure." If we are to alter the saying a bit, it could somewhat read "Your hell is my heaven". That means that life could be a thing of darkness also and vice-versa. Now that I re-read your post, it seems apparent that you are not referring to Shugo's bracelet. If you could, please verify what you mean 'twilight' to be, a who, what, when, where, etc. I'm sorry that my thoughts are jumbled here, it seemed to make sence....
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Post by Tsunami the Silver Dragon »

What I mean by the twilight is everything it pretrains to.

The twilight I'm talking about isn't a character or an item.

What I am talking about is an element.

The twilight bracelet was born FROM the twilight it self giving it the power to surpass the system.

What I am trying to do is explain HOW the Data Drain ablitity (by the phases and the bracelet) was able to go into a completely different world and bring people in completely.

The world that the takes place in Liminality and the one in the games are just a refelection of the elements of light and dark. So there for it would be easy to realise that the power of the Data Drain which is born of the twilight can destroy the barriers that would normally keep them apart.
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Post by CRtwenty »

So you're wondering how exactly data drain is able to bring people into the game?

We don't know, the series is pretty gray in this area. But my personal opinion is that the Data Drain ability was combined with the data gathering ability of the phases to allow them to upload the minds of players into the game.

The Phases were originally created to simply copy the mind data of the users, Morganna changed that command from copy to cut, and stuck it in the prexisting data drain command. (which is basically just a glorified programming command).
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Post by Deimos »

Isn't the mind copy ability of the Phases just a theory of yours, CR? All we know for sure is that they were supposed to collect information on human emotions. We don't find out exactly how that task is supposed to be accomplished. I haven’t seen any information, official or otherwise, that indicates they ever possessed a skill like that.
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Post by CRtwenty »

Yea, it is a theory, but how else would they get information on human emotion? We saw Aura receive data from DDed PC's during //SIGN. So it seems like a pretty good idea to me.
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Post by Deimos »

Just like you and I would learn about something: through observation. Innis does his vanishing act, Fidchell spouts all those prophecies, and Skeith took his time when he attempted to Data Drain Kite the first time. I think they were trying to get reactions from that, and see how humans would respond to certain emotions. Besides, if they can copy a person's entire mind, why are eight needed? One should be able to do the job just as well, since they only appear one at a time anyway. And...
CRtwenty wrote:We saw Aura receive data from DDed PC's during //SIGN. So it seems like a pretty good idea to me.
When did that happen again? I still haven't bought the last DVD yet. ^_^;
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Post by Feldy »

I beleve the book of the twilight from the games is merely a game modifier, that is also a virus of some kind (simaler to deadly flash) that some twisted person *cough, Morganna, cough* made.
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Post by MasterYata »

Your darkness has defeated you,your lifeline running backwards.
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Post by Tsunami the Silver Dragon »

That is why I say that it isn't as simple as saying that it just exists and people are affected because it is used.

I want to know what the power the Data Drain really has.

If all it had was the power to copy a person's mind or emotions then they would not have been placed into comas.

That is why I say that the Data Drain is a fragment of the twilight, a power so great that it is stronger than both light and dark, fantasy and reality.

With that power you really could make the world what ever you wanted it to be.

How.... scary.

If the wrong person was able to weild that power then their would be nothing anyone could do.

Their would be no hero to stop it because it is stonger than light and dark.

Maybe that is why light and dark remain as opposites.
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Post by MasterYata »

What about someone else who wielded the Twilight?
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Post by Tsunami the Silver Dragon »

The effect of the power would be so intense it would rip the universe apart.

It's a good thing that it's only in fragments.
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Post by Kutsurabi »

a random thought
"The World" has the dark (morgonna, skieth, ect.) the real world is light
the phases collect data of emotions to perhaps be a human or be in a human disquise.and since it is twilight i can exest in the light and dark when they are in the real world they "dd" humans. but i dont know what will happen to the humans. maybe theyll down load them selfs in to the carcouses and to put more "viruses" into the real world.

sorry it sounds wacky XD but hey it might be used and altered to make a better theory :roll: :wink:
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Post by Cyral »

That's good logic.

It's like pulling something out a box.

That's basically Data Drain.

The outside is basically inside the box while The World is basically the box itself.
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Post by En der »

Cyral wrote:It's like pulling something out a box.

That's basically Data Drain.

The outside is basically inside the box while The World is basically the box itself.
I think you may have worded this wrong; basically, you said that when you get data drained, you get taken out of the "World" and the outside world at the same time. Then where do you go, cuz you're conscience is still in the "World"?
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