Yeah, I was surprised that her staff wasn't Level 99. And it doesn't have the most powerful summons either. You'd think that she would want only the best, but I guess she doesn't care about perfection that much.
what the heck does that have to do with anything. I took my avatar of the net, and just hit "invert colors". yes, I stole it from the net, what ya gonna do Spike. I doubt you made that whole avatar yourself either, you took the image and added text, baye a bit of recolering. your just the same..
I invented the world!
Wow, I really should of done a better job.....
Many new users ask questions about avatars. Read this section. To start using an avatar - that is, a picture next to your posts - simply click on the "Profile" link at the top of any page on the site. It's up to you to find an image to use for your avatar; it will need to be in JPEG or GIF format, with dimensions no larger than 100x100 pixels, and a file size no larger than 6K. You can create such an image file using most any basic graphics software.
Do not borrow avatars from other users without first getting their permission. If you have the same icon as someone else, it also makes it difficult for moderators to identify people based on their avatar, so we don't recommend using someone else's avatar anyway.
Please do not ask where to get a picture for your avatar; learn to use Google or another search engine. It's a vital skill anyway.
This is what he's talking about, actually. Please make sure you've read up the rules on this board, as it is a requirement.
Also, Spike? Please don't moderate for us, okay? We can do our job perfectly well. Next time you see something like this, just let us know. We don't need 'amateur moderators' on here.
Budget Zen: When you see something so stupid that your mind goes blank rather than try to rationalize it.