.hack//LotT vol. 3 scans

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En der
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Post by En der »

eh, that's what I believe too ^_^
*Insert line full of moral and wisdom*
(The name is ENDER!!!!)
Eggplant of the Twilight
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Post by Eggplant of the Twilight »

Deimos wrote:True, but most of the players aren't good enough to do things like that. If they were, you'd see a lot more special characters. Also, if a user made a major modification like adding wings to his character, he would run the risk of being caught and punished by the admins. Small changes like the ones Piros made can slip through the cracks and escape notice. Balmung-style wings wouldn't. So, while anyone might be able to get wings, they probably wouldn't keep them for long.
Wait, I thought Piros was connected to CC Corp, which is why his changes weren't caught? (Garhh!!! MUST...GET...OUTBREAK...AND...QUARANTINE...)
I'm the missing Twilight item, Eggplant of the Twilight.
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Post by apostle13 »

Sooo....Is that Lukk feller going to be on the show? That would be awesome to see him colored XD. And a Yoai love triangle. Elk, Tsukasa & Lukk? Hhah *ponders..*
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Post by YamiJared »

no, he's not going to be on the show, the DUSK show and manga are totally different entirely, Lukk is manga only
Rectos Dominos
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Post by Duskino »

Look was only in one chapter, and it had nothing to do with the main plot of the manga. It was a "special", of the sort.
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Post by apostle13 »

Could someone post more scans of Lukk and the third book? I wanted to make avs for Palace e.e

Er sorry, In my earlier post: yaoi*, and Tsukasa is a girl. Sorries :D
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Post by Andy00 »

>_> Hey neat. I have this entire side-story on my hard-drive. I think I got it off an FTP site that's no longer in existance. It's even fan-translated.

There's 17 files of it...should I post them here? Or would that be a copy-right violation?
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Post by YamiJared »

it might be, but just in case, you can email them to me ;)
Rectos Dominos