All those people that are saying we need more technology to create the world ... please do enlighten me as to which wonderful technologies you need to create the world? Except of course for decent 3D things.
Have you ever played Syndicate?
Yes! I loved that game . Believe it or not, but I even own a legal copy of it, and I still have the box too .
Making The World itself is hardly a problem, it would be EverQuest all over again [from what I hear, EQ is like The World without the anime type characters]
But the suit I would never buy. It would be a waste of thousands of dollars. It's hardly even marketable, too.
"Oh, it's a dead end. This really bites." Sora
"Nope, God doesn't want us!"-FullMetalAlchemist
The VR goggles and gloves(they read hand movements to a T) are around somewhere. I know they tried to make boots too, but they said it felt like you were floating in whatever direction you move.
It's a shame that they discontinued Syndicate, and even Syndicate Wars(not as good, but with a 3d environment). I like strategy games like that, where you have to be cunning to beat levels, not by throwing out massive armies that are hard to control(e.g. Warcraft, Starcraft).
The world would be possible, but the big problem is the money involved, the sevrer issue must be severe, they'd probly have the same problems as any other new online RPG *thoughts of FFXI's problems*
Count Fenring wrote:they had the virtual suit in the simpsons where homer tested it and moved a bunny on screen, so they have to have it in real life, right? icon_smile.gif
I loved that episode! Especially when he went to pee with the vr suit still on and the bunny was making the same peeing movements as Homer. Ha! Hilarious!
"Say hello to my lil' friend!"- Scarface/ Possible Viagra commercial
First off it was a dog....lmao, i love that part, it's my favorite american series, classic.
Anyway, it could be, but think of it this way, if it was a full body movement system, then wouldn't it be annoying, you can only walk so far in your room, but meanwhile a plain in The World could be almost limitless, you'd crash into walls in real life, expecting nothing since the rest of urself is imagining in The World.
yes but i have solved that. i just thought of it. what if there was a button on the tip of a finger to make your character walk run etc. that way all you must do is turn
"TSUKASAAAAAA!!!!!!, Lets play red light green light,
1, 2, 3
I think in order to avoid making The World not another Everquest is for all the servers in the world to crash and for one central server to be established, otherwise it probaly wouldnt be that great
Yeah...server's would have to be the biggest problem, unless they decide to localize it to a country, keep in mind the talks they'd have to do to each individual provider has to be really tough, like in the U.S., there are so many companies, rivalries and such, they'd have problems getting it all connected (yet again, thoughts of FFXI pop into my head)
For temperature, you could have a device that sits on the back of your neck. A small fan turns on for cool environments, and a heating pad or window defogger type thing for hot places. It's just a thought, but switching between environments would have a time delay on the temp. drat
Hahahaha! that would be cool, but then there's the thought of people trying to dodge attacks and rolling right into a table or down the stairs. Ouch! yeah, but the vr machines they have today i think would be best fitted for the job, the ones like at cedar point....... (embarrasing flashback of playing duke nukem in one)...... but then it would have to be cheap enough. so maybe not now but in the future when technology is better. but good idea though, that WOULD be freaking awesome!
im lost, can i go home with you?
kirby dances with joy n.n
<("<) <( '' )> (>")>
*funky music*
YAY! i broke 100 ^_^