real life tsukasa

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Post by Rhyste »

I played ragnarok online w/male characters and I'm female and I don't have identity crisis of any kind: I just thought a little bishie boy character would be cute. T__T
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Post by Sora »

That's the easy reply!

But as this thread is about Tsukasa, who -does- have some major mental issues, I chose to elaborate ~_~

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Post by CRtwenty »

It's a role-playing game, heck I'm a guy in real life and I role play as female characters all the time on online, or table-top games... it's actually pretty common... Now when people actually start hitting on me when I'm RPing as a girl... then things get kind of strange...

Ok, before this gets off-topic, it's not a gross thing, it's just a part of playing RPG games...
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Post by Rhyste »

CR, boys in MMORPG's use female characters to get items and help from other guys they sucker punch by acting cutesy with. ToT;; That's not roleplaying, that's called "using."
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Post by FireDraconian »

That's the sad part about online play. You can never be sure if this girl you're flirting with is actually some 60-year old guy who gets kicks from that sort of thing. :oops:

Of course, in Tsukasa's case, at least he's basically innocent. I mean, he really didn't know that he was a she. Until the very end, anyway.
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Post by Tsukasa »

It's amusing that people here seem to think that people do this all the time for ulterior motives.

However, some people just enjoy roleplaying characters of the opposite gender as them. That's about it, actually. o.o; There's nothing really wrong with that.
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Post by FireDraconian »

There's always an ulterior motive. In that case, it would be for getting the pleasure that they derive from RPing as a member of opposite sex. *shrug*
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Post by Cronos »

so what is the voice that tsukasa hears everytime he sees aura at least i think its aura :?
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Post by Robby-san »

Im pretty sure thats his mom. or.......


Well, I havent seen the whole series so I don't know 100 percent.
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Post by Cronos »

i thought it was one of the two ,thanks :)
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Post by CRtwenty »

Yea, but the guys trying to swindle you are usually pretty easy to spot... they usually act super super cute and flirt with you all the time... Heh, I once caused my EQ character to commit suicide by jumping down a gigantic pit when I found out my RP girlfriend was a guy in real life... my friends still laugh at me for that. :oops:
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Post by FireDraconian »

Morganna. You never seen nor hear Tsukasa's mother in the series, outside of a faded photograph at her funeral.
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Post by jonnyholmes54 »

any way thats still sick and wrong....and if thats the case in japan or where ever why don't they all get sex changes? then
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Post by Rhyste »

jonnyholmes54 wrote:any way thats still sick and wrong....and if thats the case in japan or where ever why don't they all get sex changes? then

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Post by jonnyholmes54 »

what i spelled it all correct....there's no excuse for them sick people that make the .hack's