Being locked in the game, and unable to log out, I don't thinkt hey could get her to log out if she didn't pay her fee to play. I don't think they thought of that in the series as a relevant issue, but it makes sense that they should have had an explanation.CRtwenty wrote:No, it costs money to play, one of the characters in the games complains about the monthly fee at one point.
Anyway, Tsukasa probably did play with her Dad's account, perhaps she created another character for it, or perhaps Tsukasa was her Dad's character, it just never tells us.
I don't think the father had the account, as he is very cruel, e.g.g the scene when he takes the kitten from her *tear* so this game doesn't seem my thing. However it makes sense as her character is male in the game it could very easily be her fathers account, and that makes the most sense. However her father is old, and the Tsukasa character is young, it could be a friend of hers account.. O.o;;
P.S. Cronos - Leave. You have not made a single post over 4 lines long, I checked, and that is uber-n00bish, and uber-st00pid, so go make nice pretty long posts that are worth reading, or stop posting. ^_^ Sorry.