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Post by YashaOokami »

-quirks a brow- ...lay off the caffine.
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Post by Rhyste »

am I a bad enough dude to blow up TokyoPop?
... as much as I'd like too, their still the people who publish Ragnarok: Into the Abyss, which has an extremely hot and badass Loki. So, no: I'm not a bad enough dude. ;_;
and god said unto cain, "wow you're pretty stupid."
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Post by Seagret »

But if I don't drink six Coca-Colas a day I sort of pass out and end up in a psychedelic dreamscape, and really, dueling Jim Morrison from atop a giant robotic giraffe is only fun the first three times.

Ahem... well anyway, what were we talking about again? How Tokyopop is staffed by devils in human guise, due to this one horrendous error? Right. Back to that.

EDIT TO REFLECT THE FACT THAT I TYPE TOO SLOW: Hey, I got an issue of Ragnarok. I guess it's the same thing, since it says Ragnarok on the front, and all.
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Post by Kotetsu »

*raises an eyebrow* this is odd...my thread... thriving... well now i feel accomplished ^^.

and just as a little word of info, if you plan on blowwing someone up, dont let everyone on the internet know, even if you are just joking you could get arrested(funny sotry about that...)
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Post by CRtwenty »

Darn it... there goes my plans for creating Pluto's Kiss on this board... ~tosses some papers into a bin labeled "Old Plans for World Domination"~
"Hark he of Fair eyes, I am CRtwenty of the Azure Keyboard!"
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Post by Tsunami the Silver Dragon »

Huh and here I thought that only the kid from my art class would do that.
Guess the world is a lot bigger than I thought it was.
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