Most emotional moments in //SIGN

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Post by akuma »

I agree the saddest moment is when Maha died. I'm just wonderin what the music was when her tragic end came. :cry:

The gardian dins was a close second. :cry:
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Post by thedudewhosadude »

The music was 'Open Your Heart' which seemed very fitting to the scene, in my opinion.
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Tsunami the Silver Dragon
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Post by Tsunami the Silver Dragon »

Yeah but try and guess which one it is...

There is at least three diffrent forms of that song.

Lurch? I nearly passed out...

I haven't cried in the past five years but when I saw her get hit and heard that scream I collapsed on the floor and cried for several hours...
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Post by brassmonkey »

for me i hvn't seen maha datadrained in detail, so can't comment on that..

i guess for me, right now the most touching scene is when sumaru was attacked by another person, and later she woke up, stunned and met tsukasa, and grab him and cried...
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