so theres more to dot hack than just Sign? now im really confused!!! wait!............ I think i get it now!!give me a day 2 think about it. ill get back 2 u on it!!!!
JRHACKER wrote:so theres more to dot hack than just Sign?
*long pause*
Um... yeah... I would think so, considering the other topics on this forum that clearly state "Novels", "Liminality and Games" and "Legend of the Twilight"...
She is stating it rather "calmly",just be glad..otherwise she would have used more of a force type of tone and said "You idiot!! Cant you see the other freaking forums that have more to it than SIGN,didnt you ever take a look at those others at all?! Are you too stupid to see them right infront of your face?!"
Now...THAT's being forceful. >>;
And on a side note..I am only quoting,this is not being said to anyone.. o_-;
"True strength comes with time..through presistent training!!"-Ouka,Vol. 2
iguess that that is very true. i noe know that there is alot of diff. things to hack than just the anime, but i didn't know until i joined here.but 2 seconds after i joined, i new that there were alot of things about hack that i didnt know.but i got used to it and now i understand.
hmm... about the getting all over a newb's back... If you want to really see (I'm not advertising, trust me-- I don't suggest going here) simply go to and state that it is your first time there. If you are on the chat, you will possibly get kicked right off the bat. ^ that up there was definitely a clam reply. just stating! ^_^
Oh and also to Shadoefoxes: glad you're learning a lot. The more you understand, the more you'll enjoy .hack as a whole! trust me.