.hack//gift (warning: Very scary)

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Post by Sora »

Elk_capsule_figure wrote:I'm not too informed about it.... But will it be like DiGiCharat.. with the 3 minute episodes & all? or will it be more like a full 20-24 minute episode?
It's a full length episode, believe it or not, with openings and endings and all of that.

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Post by nozgrl »

Duskino wrote: I can't wait to see this... It's gonna be a classic, I bet ya XD
Ya I bet its gonna be hecka funny!!! (it looks like it will be)
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Post by Elk »

Sora wrote: It's a full length episode, believe it or not, with openings and endings and all of that.
DiGiCharat also had openings & Endings... I can't wait to see Gift.. oh my.. this will be grand. XD
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Post by Kite »

Make sure you don't fast forward through the opening and endings though ^-^ I hear it's worth it to sit through both of them.
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Post by Xeno »

I heard they were the same as the //SIGN openings...only with superdeformed characters....I might consider paying good money to see that. *sigh* Oh well, I hope its as funny as SD Gundam.
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Post by thedudewhosadude »

Xeno wrote:I heard they were the same as the //SIGN openings...only with superdeformed characters....I might consider paying good money to see that. *sigh* Oh well, I hope its as funny as SD Gundam.
O lord no! I just saw a commercial for SD gundam and i'm like... :o , then :shock: , then :? . But my sister would love the opening. Like i said before, she likes to try to dance like the dancing lady in the opening of //sign
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Post by Cobweb »

Uh ... a freaky thought here ... some of the ads for GIFT *look* like Helba's not, um, wearing very much *up top.* In the opening Bear, Tsukasa, Mimiru, Subaru, and BT all have their clothes dissolve. In the closing Subaru is nude but backlit so nothing is visible. If GIFT throws out all the *other* rules, d'you think it would shy away from frontal nudity? (Freaks out completely) I've always wondered about those segments, because .hack isn't really that big on fanservice. Maybe they'll be making up for lost time?
Last edited by Cobweb on Sat Aug 23, 2003 8:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by thedudewhosadude »

i think one of the shots that reki provided in one of his old updates showed that helba indeed was not wearing anything frontal-wise.
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Post by Cobweb »

Yeah, Reki's summary about proved that one ... (freaks out completely). I don't *like* fanservice. Oh my .hack, what have they done to you? (Cries) Thank the Global Standard Diety it's not canon.
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Post by Rhyste »

The time period of Gift is never defined. It could be canon.
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Post by Cobweb »

(Cries louder and reaches for a big scary knife) Say it ain't so!
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Post by Sora »

Well, that's true, Rhyste.

It's not so plot-wise outlandish that it couldn't happen. The story, however, may be represented in such a freakishly spastic way that we wouldn't believe it's true.

But timewise, it takes place after the games, since Bear comments to Orca that it doesn't seem fair that he gets to come in only at the end of things.

And it may be akin to the stylistic changes we see between //Udeden and //SIGN. Hmmmmmmm... omoshiroi ~.~a

As far as the fanservice goes, like the rest of the episode, none of it's serious. But you have to keep in mind two things. One, this is from CC2. They're CRACKED. They just are.

Two, this is an episode -for the fans- of .hack. Thus, logically, -FANservice- would be in it. There isn't enough to be afraid of, and again, none of it is serious, so lighten up :P

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Post by Baka Deshi »

Besides who wants Fanservice that looks all...weird looking...
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Post by Sora »

The real fanservice is actually good looking. You get this A) when the naked girls walk by in the onsen, distracting Bear and Orca, and B) In the end sequence, there is a panning shot of Mimiru, Subaru, and BT in the onsen with the demented SD Ginkan, Sora, and probably Krim and Balmung looking on (the quality of my version makes it hard to tell.)

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Post by Baka Deshi »

Oh * is even more excited*
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