Helba IRL: Male or female?

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Post by Duskino »


But I'm pretty sure somebody would've gotten suspicious that ALTIMIT didn't get affected, and possibly gotten the case investigated. There had to be SOME reason why ALTIMIT didn't blow up like everything else, excluding the fact that they made the virus.
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Post by CRtwenty »

Well the only other explanation was that since Altinet was such a small company at the time, and their software was so different then the other mainstream Operating Systems, that the person who created the Virus either didn't realize they existed, or figured there was no real need to write his/her virus to affect such a small target.

But anyway if Altinet DID create the virus it was probably a very well thought out plan. And considering the severity of the damage Pluto's Kiss caused the general public probably immediatly went looking for a scapegoat, which turned out to be a defenseless kid. Really, the government(s) were probably too busy at the time trying to rebuild from the attack thay they just said "It was the kid" and forgot about it. Why waste money on an investigation when you have a scapegoat?

Also add in the fact that Altinet probably planted evidence pointing to the kid, and it makes sense. At least imo.
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Knight of the Twilight
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Is Helba male or female IRL?

Post by Knight of the Twilight »

I think maybe you know that altimit made plutos kiss, but maybe the kid they blamed it on maybe worked for altimit or something

I've been having these wierd thoughts lately. Like is any of this real or not? The past can tell us about our future, but we have to make that happen.
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Post by CRtwenty »

Possibly, but how could they convince somebody to take the blame for it? It'd be like assassinating the President, who would be willing to take the blame for something like that?

I think there is a pretty decent chance that the kid is Helba.
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Post by Duskino »

Okay, that's for sure that the kid is NOT Helba. Like they'd let him/her near a computer ever again.

But the fact that they were too busy recovering from Pluto's Kiss to even bother is a possibility... a low one though. I'd sure as hell want to figure out who did it.

ALTIMIT must've been really good at plotting evidence against that kid, if it was them...

But I like to think it was just some stupid kid being... stupid 0_o;
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Post by CRtwenty »

It still seems just a little too convinent for Altinet to be the only one that wasn't affected by the Virus. As for the kid, considering how connected everything in in the .hack universe I don't see how he/she could be kept away from a computer... they said that the kid was American right? Perhaps his/her family moved to Japan where they wouldn't be as well known, thus setting the kid up for revenge.
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Post by Duskino »

If they didn't keep the kid in juvenile(sp) or in custody or where ever you keep them for the rest of their life... o_o; In the unlikely chance it was an honest mistake, I, and maybe the rest of the world, wouldn't trust that kid around a computer anymore... >__>;
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Post by Invisible Egg! »

If that kid was treated anything like Kevin Mitnick, then he was imprisoned for years without trial.
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Post by MeultimaSama »

Ah, but from what I read in an article, Mitnick -specifically- challenged another techno-whiz who was working in the secret service or something.
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Invisible Egg!
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Post by Invisible Egg! »

Since we don't have constitutional rights IRL, then I can only assume that the kid who took the fall for ALTIMIT was imprisoned as well.
Knight of the Twilight
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Post by Knight of the Twilight »

But maybe the person who they blamed it on maybe was a hacker and maybe he broke through the virus or something. I mean there could be a whiole bunch of people that work for alitimit. Maybe they got a grunty to take the blame for it...... or maybe it was a bum on the street. Who knows? We sure don't

I've been having these wierd thoughts lately. Like is any of this real or not? The past can tell us about our future, but we have to make that happen.
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Post by CRtwenty »

Um, yes we do... the person blamed for it was an Elementary Schooler. It says so on the timeline.
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Post by Amaril_Galanodel »

It was. It was some 9 year old boy who was said to create and spread Pluto's Kiss which wiped out all electronics for a while but he wasnt imprisoned to my knowledge. But from experience there are 2 types of hackerz, good and bad, the boy and helba were good. Harold is currently being thought of as bad for trying gain love while risking the entire computer network at the same time.
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Post by CRtwenty »

Harald isn't bad... just very very lonely... :p
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Post by thedudewhosadude »

there are two types, hackers and pheakers (sp)
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