SIGN characters in ZERO

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Post by Jejune »

Well, I haven't really read any more since I've been kind of busy, but here's as much as I remember. (I don't have the book with me at the moment, so sorry if I mess something up.)

Anyway, basically, that's what happens. As far as I read at the start, Karl (Junka Nimura's angsty, somewhat gothy character) runs across Sora a couple of times and gives him her member address. He may give her his, too, but I don't remember.

Then, in the part I skipped to where Subaru logs in again, Karl tells her that Aura did something to her (I don't know what... ^^; ), and Subaru tells her that Aura's only a newborn AI, who probably didn't know any better, or something like that.

(By the way, about why I spell her name the way I do... It's written Kaaru in katakana, and since she says she named herself after a snack, I assumed that was a reference to Karl, a corn puff snack.)
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Post by Brad_Evans »

That's quite a name for such a kewl pc, lol XD
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Post by Andy00 »

"Runs into Sora?" Is this before, during, or after the games?
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Post by Rhyste »

Before games, after SIGN: Sora has gotten a split personality. Btw; Kaaru [Karl is SO not a Girls nmame to me T_T It's a Germanic Boys name, PLZ] is Tokuouka's daughter. OMFG HE'S MARRIED TEH FUXXXXX.
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Post by Flame Sage »

If that were the case, then the Phantom Pain chapter wouldn't have Mariko/Subaru thinking back to their second "date/tryst" (and yes, that's the word used :P), with a description of how the two talk while An/Tsukasa rests her head on Mariko's lap, with Mariko stroking her hair.
Tsukasa and Subaru are lesbians 0_0 :shock: :shock: :shock:
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Post by Andy00 »

Dang...An/Tsukasa went off to college _fast._ (Relax, Rhyste, I'm not complaining about that anymore.)

Still, 2 meetings within less than 6 months doesn't sound too bad.

P.S. Subaru's going back to the World while The Voice is still around? She's got guts.
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Post by Gray »

"Before games, after SIGN: Sora has gotten a split personality. Btw; Kaaru [Karl is SO not a Girls nmame to me T_T It's a Germanic Boys name, PLZ] is Tokuouka's daughter. OMFG HE'S MARRIED TEH FUXXXXX."

And you learned that she's his daughter where Rhyste?
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Post by Rhyste »

And you learned that she's his daughter where Rhyste?
Ask Brad. -o-;; Something about him and his wife being divorced, blarghity.
Tsukasa and Subaru are lesbians 0_0
... and there's something wrong with that?
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Post by Andy00 »

So is Sora's "other personality" Skeith? Thus saying that Morganna _did_ turn Sora into Skeith, and Kite finding him in the Staff in the 3rd game was just where his personality went after Skeith's destruction?
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Post by Rhyste »

Uhm, I think it's that in one instance he hates Aura, and the next he doesn't.
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Post by swatt »

So I am to understand that Tsukasa never logged in to the world again? Because I certainly wouldn't log in after an incident like that!

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Post by Brad_Evans »

About Sora-Skeith Relationship, before Zero I thought I understand, and now I feel like I dunno anything ^^; Be patient, Zero isn't finished yet.

Tsukasa doesn login to the world anymore because she has found what she wants in subaru or sumthin like that

In Zero, Sora is wrapped with this kind of red long scarf, like Kamui in lots of X Artworks, I think (well, it's not me that read the book, and information transfer may be corrupted ^^; But I'm sure that sumthin strange sticks on sora ^^)
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Post by s8Riot »

It sounds like Zero throws some wrenches into the works. How canon is it (for instance, I've heard that DUSK isn't canon)?
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Post by Rhyste »

The piece of crap UdeDen anime is not Canon. It's more like an AU of the Manga. Zero IS Canon. IT's between //SIGN and the games... as said, many, many times.
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Post by s8Riot »

It's a relief to hear that UdeDen is, in fact, not canon material. It may be crap, but I like the way that it pokes fun at the .hack universe (and Shugo is downright hilarious, being th eperv that he is). And sorry about questioning Zero - with all the material out there it gets confusing for a newbie.

As for Sora/Skeith . . .
The way that .hack//SIGN ended it seemed that he was sent into a coma while his consciousness remains in The World, trapped within Skeith. Now there's Zero's conclusion to the matter. See? Conusing.

Finally, to the Bear adopting An argument, is it at all possible that Bear adopted her and she decided to go to boarding school instead of living with him? I certainly doubt that she'd remain with her real father after her past history with him.
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