real life tsukasa

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Fuk You
Eaten by the Puchiguso
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Post by Fuk You »

one last not shooting myself because some canadian told me to...just whatever started this by sticking up for "Sora" and calling Jonny stupid shit (which wasn't needed). maybe it is sad making fun of people for enjoyment...but when it comes to smart ass cocks like you(oh you spelled two words wrong in each post) , asians and english people....its not sad, but rather more fun..and how old are you for telling me to stop swearing. 50?grandmother...father? pitiful dude... just pitiful this is my last post and you can go run around in joy that im not posting any farewell and continue your nerdish ways because its people like you who make americans strive to kill faster
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Post by Elk »

Fuk You wrote:one last not shooting myself because some canadian told me to...just whatever started this by sticking up for "Sora" and calling Jonny stupid spoon (which wasn't needed). maybe it is sad making fun of people for enjoyment...but when it comes to smart ass cocks like you(oh you spelled two words wrong in each post) , asians and english people....its not sad, but rather more fun..and how old are you for telling me to stop swearing. 50?grandmother...father? pitiful dude... just pitiful this is my last post and you can go run around in joy that im not posting any farewell and continue your nerdish ways because its people like you who make americans strive to kill faster
Wow. Congratulations. You're a retard.
I wont give away my age, due to the fact it's not important.
Just so you know, Jonny is stupid, & so are you. Sticking up for people gets me more respect, despite the fact I don't really expect much.
Oh, & it was you that started this by insulting a MODERATOR.
I'm a smart ass...& proud of it.
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Post by Dejiko »

guys, you've dragged this topic way off, too many times... flaming on eachother, this is going to get locked sooner or later, v.v since flaming on another user isn't allowed

So, please try and stay on topic ^-^; thanx
Last edited by Dejiko on Tue Aug 12, 2003 8:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
Pilot: say Billy, have ya ever seen a grown man naked..?

Billy: .. Oo;; .oO( WTF?! )
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Post by Elk »

I knew it was going to get locked too... u.u;;
I was mostly sticking up for myself. XD
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Post by Dejiko »

*nods* yea, I understand, it's a simple fact that people do this, if they get called something, they say something back, simple matter of cause, but oh well... but, though, there might not be a way to keep this one open, so you might as well make another post for this, if it does get locked...
Pilot: say Billy, have ya ever seen a grown man naked..?

Billy: .. Oo;; .oO( WTF?! )
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Post by Rhyste »

Hey, people: could we all just STFU and go back to talking about the psychological aspects of .hack in relation to the gender of Tsukasa and the gender biased in MMORPG's of today?

Actually, screw that: on-topic discussion is getting boring anyway.

Johnny and Fuk: You are two extremely insecure emotionally challenged individuals. Regardless of your utter stupidity, you have different opinions, so you feel like you're in power. This is actually not the case. If you're half the men you think you are, of which you're not, if you are even men, then there would be no five page saga about you're racism, bigotry, and a laundry list of other bs. Please take you're hate crimes out of here: we'd all appreciate it, seeing as how we're totally fine with Tsukasa playing a different gender than she is IRL.

And remember: It's ignorant people like you who keep the world going nowhere in terms of equality.
and god said unto cain, "wow you're pretty stupid."
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Post by Bear »

Time to die!


Update: I will be banning both jonnyholmes54 and Fuk You in a moment. Both of them are users of a certain popular ISP, whose terms of service definitely do not permit posts such as theirs. Due to their extremely offensive and uncaring nature, they will earn the honor of being the first banned .hack//INFO users to have a complaint submitted to their ISP.

Update #2: Done. By the way, you two, if you come back and read this: I suggest you go rent Strawberry Eggs, starting with volume 1. You should find it much more enjoyable and thought-provoking than .hack.
Last edited by Bear on Tue Aug 12, 2003 1:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Dark Puchiguso
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Post by Dark Puchiguso »

Mazui ahoutachi desu buuhii. ._.;;
By the time they hear the tiny footsteps behind them, and the soft, menacing "buuhii"'s already far, far too late.
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Post by Sora »



....... *snicker* o_O;

That'll teach me to not check the board when I should be sleeping c_c;

Don't hate me because I'm l337iful ;_;
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Post by Tsukasa »


I DID check the board before I went to sleep. GYAH! @.@;;; *flail*
Budget Zen: When you see something so stupid that your mind goes blank rather than try to rationalize it.