*sweatdrop* um, if you look at the first post i made on this topic (first page), the answer is there. [spoiler]Aura is the Key of the Twilight. It is not an item[/spoiler][/spoiler]
You're only young once, but you're NEVER too old to be immature.
hynwoo wrote:they mention the Key of Twilight was an item 3 times ok so its an item
@_@ Um.... Ok, now all the references:
Well, the key is not what you think. The word 'Key' should not be taken literally. An example would be, The key to courage is determination. You see, [spoiler] the key of the twilight is actually Aura. [/spoiler]
Now why is Aura called Key of the Twilight?
because she was considered the "Key" to a revolutionary age in future AI's
Because she was the "key" in Harald's plan to show his love for Emma
and as a "Key" to bring the darkness (real world) and light (cyberspace) together
thus the Key of Twilight (see theory number 3) became her "classification"
If you're going to respond to this topic, please at least have an idea of where it is going ^_^
*Insert line full of moral and wisdom*
(The name is ENDER!!!!)
[spoiler]It was AI Harald himself who made that post. When he realized that Morganna had no intention of giving birth to Aura, he posted on the boards trying to get help.[/spoiler]
That wasn't really an option for him.[spoiler]Harald hid the Ultimate AI project inside his online game because he couldn't find a sponsor for the AI project itself. CC Corp. didn't know it was there, and they would have deleted it if they learned of its existence. So if he asks them for help, his life's work goes down the drain.[/spoiler]
but it kinda seems like they wouldnt be able to delete Aura, if they cant delete Kite and he has a Sample of the ultimate AI's powers, so would that mean they would shut down the world or sumthing, or is there sumthing i am not seeing yet?
Kite's bracelet probably allows him to shield himself from admin's eyes. Remember, in the games, only people who were DD (At least, I think it was data drain.... ) could see the bracelet.
*Insert line full of moral and wisdom*
(The name is ENDER!!!!)