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En der
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Post by En der »

wow, where did you get these? :shock:
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Post by Angel of the Apocolypse »

He got them from one of the Liminality DVDs. I remember seeing that too. But, I didn't think it was the One Sin, I just thought it was some random monster. Oh, and if you could get good images of it, I'd be happy to draw it.
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Post by Kiekan »

Yeah, I made the pics myself by take a screen capture of the DVD. As for more/better images, doubtful, as all the shots of One Sin (he is only on screen for like half a second, lol) are blury like this one, so this is the best possible pic I could get.
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Post by YamiJared »

well, I can't really make it out, so i can't verify if it is One Sin, but I don't THINK it is...It look like it has a tail, which One Sin doesnt have, it kinda looks like a medicine needle with legs :shock: and....yea....that is probably not One Sin, it could be, but it could be one of the lesser bosses (Remember that it's a One Sin EVENT, and Albeiro reflected in one chapter about how he tried to beat it, and he came unprepared, as it was a 13 level dungeon of all bosses!)
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Post by Xhacker »

I know how you feel, YamiJared. Some people just can't admit they're wrong. But don't worry.
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Post by YamiJared »

what? where did that come from? that makes no sense, oi, i think we should lock this topic anyway, it's really deviated from the topic of Skeith's PC form ^^;
En der
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Post by En der »

are any of the mods on right now?

they seem to never show up on the bottom of the screen (on the index page)

BTW, what does deviated mean?

[Added by Ender]
Never mind, I looked it up ^_^
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Post by mannshjj »

En der wrote:are any of the mods on right now?

they seem to never show up on the bottom of the screen (on the index page)
I did see Balmung online once, but I think most of the mods hide their status. But anyway, the One Sin is a virus right? So it could possibly transform and have several stages, in which it looks different each time. The first one could be the diamond things, the second, that needle thing, and the third one, I guess the one that YamiJared descibed. (YamiJared tell me where you heard about your version of the One Sin (link please), and evaluate whether it's realiable or not.
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Post by YamiJared »

*holds up the actual AI Buster book and the part of his brain with the japanese language* are these reliable enough? :wink: anyway, One Sin wasnt a virus, that was just the backstory thingy to the event, like how monsters break through the Chaos Gates to attack Root Towns, and why would a virus transform anyway? a virus is a very SMALL amount of data, all it does is reproduce, if One Sin was an actual virus, then it would keep making copies of itself, and how would a virus somehow make itself into a super big killer monsters anyway?
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Post by En der »

A virus can transform to become much more efficient
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Post by YamiJared »

true, but they can't become so advanced to the point where they're an unbeatable monster in the World, if it was a virus, CC Corp would isolate and delete it instead of making it an event, but im not againest the idea of a changing One Sin, after all, the flashback in AI Buster isnt very good since Albeiro didnt even make it to One Sin ~.~
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Post by mannshjj »

No, I thought CCcorp could'nt delete it so they made it into an event.
And could you scan the picture or page where it descibes the One Sin, or at least provide a link? And seeing as AI Buster isn't translated and Japanese is a very hard language to learn (believe me, I've studied it myself) you've probably read it wrong. Unless you can prove it (aka: a link or a picture) no one's going to believe you.
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Post by Kiekan »

That’s not necessarily true… I happen to believe him. Its kind of pointless to just make up something so in-depth, when all of it's fake. Yeah, it could just be a hoax, but it doesn’t really matter to me. Now, some people on the other hand, bring up things and have nothing to back up their claim… –eyes Xhacker- Besides, you can't always trust another site, as they could be wrong/starting a rumor. And one last thing that needs to be said, no one else who has claimed/actually read AI BUSTER has said that Yami's desciption is wrong.
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Post by YamiJared »

why wouldnt CC Corp, the company who said they are completely hacking-proof, be unable to delete a virus? that's just absurd, besides, defeating the event wouldnt magically cure the virus, and a virus wouldnt become a monster that was fully compatible with the game, that's absurd as well, and you just studied japanese, for me, japanese was taught to me as a child, as im a Japanese American -.- and I unfortunatly don't have a scanner, or I would, and there's nothing on the internet whatsoever about AI Buster past two chapters, there are also no pictures, since it's a novel, except the manga pages of volume 2 that show spoilers

Keikan, thank you for backing me up, but mannshjj has a point, and does deserve evidence (she seems to be one of the smartest people here) so, if you still have that PM i sent you, could you copy and paste it? i deleted it like a moron -.-
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Post by Kiekan »

Will do... Here ya go:

"I wouldnt be able to translate the whole thing, TokyoPop is doing that as we speak (I sold my copy to them for $50 ) but the basic summary is kinda...I dunno, let's start, ok, Albeiro is part of a debugging team on Fragments, and he debugs an NPC that shouldnt exist, but she turns into energy and scatters (like when Aura was DD'd at the end of Infection) anyway, years later, during the World, Albeiro meets that NPC again, but he assumes it's an event character, she becomes an NPC party member and follows him around, and she is deaf, mute, and blind, so Albeiro goes to the Gott statue room and gets an item called "aoe.cyl" or something, i don't remember, anyway, Lycoris takes it, and gets her voice back, then she automatically warps them to Albeiro's house (apparently you can rent a house in the World and decorate it like in Animal Crossing or something) anyway, they walk out of the house after Albeiro thinks about unimportant stuff, and there's a newbie chick there with an illegal character design, he says her character is cute and she starts going on about sexual harrassment, and they basically dont hit it off (can you say Mimiru and Tsukasa all over again? ) and so Albeiro figures out that he can't log out, but he can take off the helmet and walk around, he just can't turn off the game, after this, he realizes that Lycoris was that NPC from several years ago, and she tells him to make her complete and pay his debt to the World, then there's an event that Albeiro completes and he wins another item like before, which he gives to Lycoris, giving her hearing back, he tries to question her, but she just loops, she seems to just be an NPC, even though he knows she's an AI, he figures she's trying to keep it under wraps or something, she blew her cover days ago when she referred to him by name, so he knows something's up he then starts talking on about One Sin, and a flashback occurs, after that, he stumbles upon the anime girl, who's name we learn is Hokuto, and Helba. Hokuto wants to borrow money for a laptop, and Helba goes on about how she's a big girl now and she can take care of herself, Albeiro asks if he's interrupting something, during this scene, we learn that Hokuto is Helba's daughter, explaining why her character is edited, despite her newbieness, anyway, Hokuto finds the last item to fix Lycoris's sight, thanks to Morganna, and Albeiro tries to buy it off her, but she wont hand it over because she's sure it's a rare item, then he gets pissed and PKs her and give's Lycoris's sight back, Lycoris, now complete, transforms into her older form (imagine game Aura with purple hair) Lycoris is horrified that someone, that as far as she knew, was murdered just so she could get her sight back, so she starts crying and runs off, Albeiro is able to log out now, but he runs after Lycoris, it's too late, though, because Lycoris was captured by Morganna and dissembled, her data scattered across the world, because Lycoris was so advanced, the Omega Server (the server this was happening on) became unstable and went offline, Helba changed it into Net Slum, and salvaged Lycoris's data, which makes a comeback in Volume 3 of the Dusk manga"