Sewing time is fun.....

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Sewing time is fun.....

Post by Neko_Chan »

I must learn ho wto sew...well sew something that doesn't fall apart........I will eventually have someone teaching me how to sew corsets but until then I'm not on the up and up when it comes to these things... Now cooking, theres something I can do. Whoa boy.

*begins preparing a feast of Japanese cuisine*
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Post by Asmaria »

I took a sewing class in highschool, but a lot of what I learned was self taught. Of course, I never could have learned to use the machine without that class, or at least a teacher's help. Hand sewing is a pretty easy too, though I really only use a backstitch for that. You sew through one side, and then come back and make a stitch behind that one, and then behind that one. Yeah, that probably doesn't make much sense here. ^_^; But its stronger than regular stitches, so thats why I use it, if I do sew by hand.

As for costume making, well a lot of people use patterns. That really is the best way to go. But sometimes you just can't find the pattern you need for the costume you want. That's when you buy more than one pattern, and mix the peices to make what you need. Often times I end up cutting out the pattern, and pinning it to the person just to see how it actually -fits- them in a 3Dimentional way. Its too hard to just imagine it. At this point though, I've just taken to tracing around existing clothing around the house, because patterns are so expensive! @_@ Its trial and error, as things are rarely ever right on the first try.

A lot of people buy existing clothes and alter them too. Second hand shops and places like Goodwill are good places to start at. Its much easier if you're lucky enough to find what you need already made, or something close enough that you can change it. It saves lots of time too! @_@

Good luck!
Durhi - Retarded puchiguso
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Post by Neko_Chan »

Maybe that I'm not doing a backstich when i sew by hand is the problem. Everything i've ever sewn by hand has fallen apart a few days later. As for the Machine we have a sewing class here at school or I can ask my mom.

Thankies for the Advice! :P
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Post by Asmaria »

The only real problem I've had with a backstitch is that it looks kinda messy on one side, while nice on the other. So you have to be precice with your stitches. ^_^; If your mom sews, ask her about other stitches you might be able to learn to make it stronger. Just running the thread straight through won't do too well because its one long line of thread... and you know what happens if you take a string of thread and yank it with your bare hands.... It breaks. ^^;
Durhi - Retarded puchiguso