Culture War: Voice-overs

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Culture War: Voice-overs

Post by Cobweb »

Because I have no other way to spend my time, I thought I'd compare and contrast the Japanese and English voices from .hack//SIGN. Feedback is encouraged ... share your own opinons! The reason this is posted under the "General" category instead of "SIGN" is so that other people can review voices from the games, LIMINALITY, etc.

Now, I have to say that I'm a big Siddal fanboy, so this won't be impartial. I think she did an *amazing* job as Tsukasa - just wounded enough to be sympathetic, but not so much to be really annoying. All that I've heard of Saiga thus far has fit the character well and never been jarring ... actually, there's one exception. When the Crimson Knights are carrying away Tsukasa in the end of "Captured" Siddal's performance literally made me shiver. Saiga's almost made me laugh. Some others on the board have said that when Morganna fries his brain Saiga does much better than Siddal, though.
- Saiga Mitsuki: 5/5
- Brianne Siddal: 6/5*
* There's a rumor going about the Web that Ian Hawk voiced Tsukasa. This is simply untrue. Siddal also voices Elk from the games.

I have similar feelings about both actresses here. Each has a great emotional range that fits the character well, but the "bubbly-ness" was grating at times ... especially Toyoguchi's "Nani?!" (Shrug) I'm glad they understood Mimiru wasn't always like that, and overall I'm satisfied.
- Toyoguchi Megumi: 4/5
- Amanda Winn Lee: 4/5

... Okay, I *really* liked Mercier's interpretation of Bear. He added a harsher edge to the character that ends up making him so much more complex. Still, I tried going in with an open mind ... gah! I didn't even know humans could speak that low! Nakata's voice is even deeper than Lang's (see below), which isn't a bad thing by itself - he's still expressive - but did *not* suit Bear!
- Nakata Kazuhiro: 3/5
- Paul Mercier: 5/5

Absolutely no complaints here! Each did a perfect job, with a few personal tweaks. Hiramatsu's version is more reflective and melancholy, while Rawlins made BT conniving and self-aware. I liked 'em both!
- Hiramatsu Akiko: 5/5
- Donna Rawlins: 5/5

Again, I favor the English actress over the Japanese one, if slightly. Nazuka's Subaru is apparently badly asthmatic ... you have to listen *really hard* to catch her lines. Guest follwed in her predecessor's footsteps, but toned it down some. I especially loved the way she remained quiet with the Knights but still managed to sound firm and commanding. Maybe it's a cultural thing.
- Nazuka Kaori: 4/5
- Kim Mai Guest: 5/5

Silver Knight and/or Ginkan
I actually didn't much like either of them! Chiba sounds like an annoying older brother, and Rye sounds like that really mean Algebra teacher from sixth grade - you know which one. I know Ginkan (or "Silver Knight") was supposed to be like that, but did they really have to make him so unsympathetic? He grows a lot towards the end of the show.
- Chiba Isshin: 3/5
- Doug Rye: 3/5

Yay, it is He-Who-Speaks-In-Sound-Effects! They needed a VA who could be playful, dangerous, over-the-top and thoughtful - occasionally at the same time. Happily, two people were up for the challenge and did a *fantastic* job. You can tell they had fun with Sora.
- Yanaka Hiroshi: 5/5
- Dave Wittenberg: 5/5

Erm. This character is something of a problem for me ... in both the Japanese dub and the English dub, Morganna's voice is often "echoed" to the extent that it becomes impossible to understand. This is obviously much, much worse in the English, but I still withhold judgement due to insuffucient evidence.
- Tanaka Rie: ?/5
- Valerie Arem: ?/5

I see Crim much the same as Bear, only reversed. This time Miki does the better voice: perfect for a salaryman trying to act out his heroic fantasies. He sounds like a fairly normal guy. Lang's voice is the super deep one here - maybe the English producers thought it would fit the manly Crim. I disagree. Again, though, Lang emotes quite well and never goes flat with such a difficult character. Kudos to both, but Miki's the winner.
- Miki Shinichiro: 5/5
- Lex Lang: 3/5

Wow, that was long. And it's not even complete - I have yet to see Harold and Balmung in the original Japanese and can't really grade them.
Last edited by Cobweb on Sun Sep 14, 2003 7:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Spike Spiegal »

I think the japanese Balmung is WAY better than the english, my grade for them, but don't know their names,
English - 4/5
Japanese - 6/5

Balmung rox my sox
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Post by - Dowg - »

Well I would have to agree with Cobweb choices. Most of the time, they try to find best matches for the 2. Now Lex Lang did an ok job for Crim, but I would of still perfered Miki Shinichiro. =)

Thank god for subtitles. :D
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Post by Nips »

Cobweb wrote:* There's a rumor going about the Web that Ian Hawk voiced Tsukasa. This is simply untrue. Siddal also voices Elk from the games.
They're the same person. Ian Hawk is a pseudonym. ^_^

I personally think that Mitsuki Saiga did a better job. Her voice was smooth and natural... Plus, I'm one of those people that thought she was better at Tsukasa's trance-like state. Brianne Siddal seemed too harsh for a character like him... But she did a great job, nonetheless.
Mitsuki Saiga - 5/5
Brianne Siddal - 5/5

Siddal's role as Elk seemed... Different. Very different. o_o It was as if she tried to bend a certain way, but didn't quite make it. She sounded too feeble for my liking. Mitsuki didn't seem to fit the role either... It's like she bended too much. ^_^; Her Elk sounded like a frightened, shy little kid. I guess that was intended, but it was kind of overdone. So basically, I like neither. :P
Mitsuki Saiga - 3/5
Brianne Siddal - 3/5

Well, that was my two cents. I think that both are great for Tsukasa, but not so much for Elk. (Gee, I wonder how that happened...) It's been a while since I heard Elk, so I might be off.

Just as an interesting little tidbit, Brianne Siddal played in the anime for Arc the Lad as the younger version of the main character, also named Elk. ^^
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Post by Cobweb »

Hmm ... Siddal = Hawk?I'd heard fans speculate that, but did she ever confirm it?
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Post by Invisible Egg! »

Hehehe, yeah, Siddal's Hawk. She has a few aliases, actually. I think this is her official site:

She looks like she could kick my butt. :shock:
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Post by Cobweb »

Well, if that's true than Siddal's been in almost every one of my favorite shows. But why use the other names? I can't think of any reason. Also: does anyone know if the VAs are in a company? I've noticed that they tend to work together ... Kikiader is one example.
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Post by Rhyste »

Saiga Mitsuki: 4/5
Brianne Siddal: 4/5
Both sounded like whiny little boys - the winnar is both.

Toyoguchi Megumi: 5/5
Amanda Winn Lee: 1/5 - Mimiru sounds like cross between country hick and valley girl. Omg.

Nakata Kazuhiro: 4/5
Paul Mercier: 2/5 - "Hi. I. Am. Bear. Blah. Blah. Drone..... trying to sound mysterious... not working..."

Hiramatsu Akiko: 5/5
Donna Rawlins: 4/5 - New yorker influence? Had certain tone. Made BT sound mildly sassy, yet, made her lines sound rushed and unrehersed too.

Nazuka Kaori: 5/5
Kim Mai Guest: 3/5 - Subaru sound like she have cold all the time.

No comment.

Yanaka Hiroshi: 5/5
Dave Wittenberg: 4/5 - Sora is not homo.

Miki Shinichiro: 4/5
Lex Lang: 1/5 - He never has emotion to any of his roles. It is bland and tasteless.
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Post by Rubedo »

Saiga Mitsuki: 5/5
Brianne Siddal: 5/5
Well, I really didn't have any problems with either one of them, to be honest. They both delivered a outstanding performance, besides one or two lines.

Toyoguchi Megumi: 4/5
Amanda Winn Lee: 4/5
They both did a great job with the character, but, I felt they both could have done a littlle better, especially Amanda. I have heard a lot of her work, an I was just a little disappointed with her performance in SIGN.

Nakata Kazuhiro: 3/5
Paul Mercier: 5/5
Well, they both did a great job with the character, but it was Paul Mercier, that just delivered a better performance.

Hiramatsu Akiko: 4/5
Donna Rawlins: 2/5
Hmmmm... What to say? I really didn't like either one. But, it was Akiko, that delivered a better performance here. Because frankly, Rawlins's voice, just got on my nerves.

Nazuka Kaori: 5/5
Kim Mai Guest: 5/5
Well, they both did a perfect performance. And they both have lovely voices. So, that's that. =^^=

Chiba Isshin: 3/5
Doug Rye: 3/5
They both fit the role perfectly, but other then that, neither one of them impressed me.

Yanaka Hiroshi: 5/5
Dave Wittenberg: 5/5
One word, perfect. It as simple as that.

Miki Shinichiro: 3/5
Lex Lang: 3/5
The same as old Ginkany.

Tanaka Rie: 4/5
Valerie Arem: 5/5
Now, I was quite impressed with Rie's performance as Morganna, but Arem just sounded more suited for the role. And frankly, just sounded more cold hearted, but Rie probably sounded just as cold hearted, but I don't know japanese, so I wouldn't know if she did or not.
Last edited by Rubedo on Wed Sep 17, 2003 2:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Spike Spiegal »

Rhyste, what about Balmung? o.0;
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Post by Rhyste »

... uhm, he was hot?
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Post by Spike Spiegal »

So you didn't like the voices?
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Post by Rhyste »

Well, I never saw that episode. :p Regardless, I know he was hot in both versions... so... <3
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Post by Aoki »

Rhyste do you own .Hack//Tasugare no Udewa Densetsu? Balmung is all over the place in the manga.

Personally I like the Japanese voice overs the best.
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Post by CRtwenty »

Hmmm, does anybody know the reason they switched Balmung's VA in //OUTBREAK? He has one voice during the cut scenes, and another voice when you actually have him in your party...

Cutscene Balmung: 5/5
Battle Balmung: 3/5
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