I'll say it again.. because it's pretty relivant(sp?) to this.
If you say Orca in a specific accent, it does sound like Ouka... But also, the japanese pronounciation of Orca is Oruka. Take out a k, & VOILA~! blunder in .hack fans brains. XD;;
... Thanks Rubedo for taking care of that -_-;
He wouldnt have gotten a slap from me..I would have ringed his little neck until he started coughing up blood on the floor >/!!!!
Check my fan site if you will,that Ouka is her proper and ORIGINAL name,not by what TokyoPop says <<;
"True strength comes with time..through presistent training!!"-Ouka,Vol. 2
Well, I would have done the same thing, lady YashaOokami. But, I am still in a good mood after getting that lovely little Image 53 in Outbreak, of Mia and Elk.
"That misty night, that dismal moon. The dead search for their kin.
While angels sing, in endless dark. The dead seek out sin."
"The fear of blood tends to create fear for the flesh"
Hehe,I really like that image,I have it on my desktop theme ^^;
I just noticed this but,I also saw a mistake or typo rather,in the manga,at the very beginning where Rena says "C'mon Shuga!" I'm not sure she was meant to say that or not o.o; It was on page 11,the bottom panel to the right.
"True strength comes with time..through presistent training!!"-Ouka,Vol. 2
YashaOokami wrote: Ouka is her proper and ORIGINAL name,not by what TokyoPop says <<;
I was like "What the hell?" when I saw her name was Orca. It just didn't seem to fit. Ouka makes much more sense. Thanks for clearing that up or I'd be smacked till death by "Ouka" fans. Just so you know I'm one too
Umm.. You didn't make everyone angry.. We just get annoyed & can poiunt out the true dubbies* when they use the dubbed name; but as you can see, notyhing is really being held against you.
*Dubbie: Anime fan lured in & only pays attention to english story line, & english characters.