my sis was watching .hack//Sign and brought up a odd (but true) question..
If this TV show is ANIME then why dont we see all japenese people in it?
And all the other shows? Since there from Japan how come we get English lookin people!?
Grunty Farming List: Noble Grunty: 5 If you could attack gruntys, I would have slaughtered all Noble Grunty's from the planet!
It's an international game, and althoguh most of the characters live in Japan, they don't need to have a japanese character skin, who said that was required..? -_^
"Hey Mr. Wonderful oh you're so incredible, hey Mr. Wonderful, a miracle to me." --DDR, Smile .dk
"So you brought him to the station because he dosen't look Japanese enough??" --Neo Ranga. Some Anime make a point of races ^^. However, this thread also exist somewhere else....
You're only young once, but you're NEVER too old to be immature.
It's just a style... there are very few animes where the people in them actually look asian... and when you add in the fact that many of them have unnatural hair colors, they don't look much like anybody!
"Hark he of Fair eyes, I am CRtwenty of the Azure Keyboard!"
They(the poeple who make it)don't care how the poeple look as long as they can get millions of people to watch it and buy the toys and games. They are very good at that.
And, your point is? I have no problem with it, and they don't seem to either. You don't see people protesting in Japan because their cartoons don't look like them...
"Hark he of Fair eyes, I am CRtwenty of the Azure Keyboard!"
My point is they don't care either as long as they make money. They're character could be deformed monkey as long as they make money they make money they're happy.
heh poor guy....
Well I mean still...... if there not any real RACE then like......
When you see people do things.. they ... act.. like..
Grunty Farming List: Noble Grunty: 5 If you could attack gruntys, I would have slaughtered all Noble Grunty's from the planet!
Some anime have characters drawn to look Japanese. Not many, it's true, but some ... (thinks hard) Jin-Roh. Some of Studio Ghibli's work, especially Grave of the Fireflies. Millenium Actress. Even Digimon, kinda (maybe it's just the eyes).
The more modern shows and movies often include characters that don't look Japanese for a reason: they're *not.* Often anime will take place in locations other than Japan, from America to Italy to Jupiter. Surely you must have noticed this?
"You don't have to be a house to be haunted." - Emily Dickinson
You also have the fact that the to the japanese culture, big eyes are a sign of innosence, so the art style is very much influenced by that facial characteristic (which most japanese dont have)
"Say hello to my lil' friend!"- Scarface/ Possible Viagra commercial