Morganna after the game.....

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Morganna after the game.....

Post by Andy00 » the end of the fourth game, Aura dies and is reborn in the final battle. However, Balmung says that both Aura AND Morganna had to die to be born.

I first interpreted that as them becoming one (with Aura's personality being dominant) but now I wonder if Morganna is reborn as Mia.

Maha/Mia was a Phase, and the Phases were extensions of Morganna. (Which is ironic...Morganna originally rebelled so that she wouldn't be deleted by Aura. Morganna does the same thing to Mia, who begs that "I just want to be stay me." So she was doing that to herself.

Seems to me, the "Voice" personality of Morganna died at the end of SIGN, when Tsukasa escaped. Her repeating what she said in the first episode was like Hal going "Daisy...." It NEVER shows up in the games at all. In the games, Morganna is a collective force, a "Cursed Wave."

The easter egg information in the fourth Liminality OAV says that she was becoming more and more fragmented and bugged. Split personalities would fit here.

So in the end, Aura's given Morganna's command functions, and the remaining personality of Morganna, Mia, is given an autonomous existance. Aura helps in this regard, she never intended Morganna to be erased after she took over.
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Post by YashaOokami »

I would doubt it that Mia is a reborn version of Morganna.
To me,Maha/Mia had the struggle to live on..she wanted to see Elk once again,its those memories she has..the only memories that she clings on to,is what keeps her gonig.

I think with Maha,she was her own self every since SIGN..if you notice with all the rest of the phases,they just did what they were told,sure Maha did that too,but towards the end of SIGN she began to develope an personality of her own,being able to be deviant,go against Morganna's wording.The other phases never did that.
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Post by Cyral »

This story with Mia, you can pretty much tell that she didn't want to be who she really was.. and well rebelled on it.. and paid the sacrifice cause she got too close to humans(emotionally wise) and well.. she wound up paying the price for that... Considering her real mission is to serve Morganna...
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Post by Andy00 »

No, no...I'm more saying that Maha/Mia was ALWAYS part of Morganna. A split personality, kind of.

I'm not saying she wasn't her own personality. I'm not saying she didn't want to be with Elk, etc.

The Easter Egg in Liminality 4 does say the Phases are Morganna, simply put.

Heh. Yeah, that Maha/Mia were just a "shell program" to let the Temptress Phase get in close is an easier answer. "Thrown-away" data that becomes an independant AI an the end of the game.

But it's fun to think about.
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Funny story. On neopets, this person on the guild I'm on said that Maha is a guy because during one of the episode, Morganna called Maha and she thinks that Maha is Harold. Then I tell her EVERYTHING about Maha and Mia and she changes this thing that she had on Guy of the Month (which was Maha) to Crim. :lol: It was so funny! She even deleted the messages! I SURE showed her! XD
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Post by thedudewhosadude »

I think that the reason why Maha was able to deviate from the other phases is because it had interaction with humans, namely Tsukasa, who had emotions other than those needed for their Data Collection.
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Post by CRtwenty »

Yea, it was Tsukasa that caused Macha to "malfunction", his gift of Aromatic Grass is what did it.
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Post by Cyral »

How come I get this feeling that each of the phases has a independent thought? Well considering the fact that most of the phases served only Morganna.. Mia/Macha/KittyCat Wizard has this relationship with humans who play in the world... (I can't think of anything else.. cause I don't remember what I was going to say in theory.)
Chongara love info to help big guy understand .hack, eh?