.Hack DvDs and Info

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The StamPeDE
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.Hack DvDs and Info

Post by The StamPeDE »

Okay I couldnt find this on the site and I've been searching for like an hour..

Now I don't want nay crap from you Otaku dudes or girls, cause it's annoying to see "Otaku" at conventions acting all big and crap...

And if I say something wrong dont try to eat me alive.. I just want answers.

I just bought the 1-3 DVD's and it has 26 Subbed Episodes.. was this a good idea or bad idea/ For 21.50 I guess it was okay. And it ain't like I dont have the money to waste na?

Second.. I can't find the second part.. Liminality is it? Does it only come with the Game? If so i'll go and buy it as soon as someone tells me it does.

Third.. I'm about to buy the second PS2 Game cause I know someone who has it for the U.s P.S2... the real game no BS.. is this a good idea?

Like I said I dun want crap from all you Otaku.. I can't stand how I get stared at cause I dont look like the typical Anime guy.. so just convering myself before ya get on me.. l8r..
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Post by Pipian »

Hate to say this, but do more research.

1. You just bought a lame pirate copy, as only the first DVD with the first 5 episode is available in the US LEGALLY at this time. No doubt your "copy" mentions having Chinese subtitles.
2. Liminality comes packaged with the ORIGINAL game.
3. There is no Volume 2 of the game in the US yet. Anyone who says otherwise is a bloody lying fool.
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Post by Sora »

Pipian's correct. I'll say that much.

I'll also suggest that you change your attitude in your posts to people you haven't even met yet, on a board you've just joined. >_> That kinda stuff isn't gonna fly here, just so you know.

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Post by Rhyste »

When did we call ourselves Otaku?
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Post by error »

He must know he is baka. =P I kid, I kid.
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Post by Ruby Red Rose »

I hope I'm not going too off topic here, but...isn't otaku a derogatory term in Japan? >.>;;
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The StamPeDE
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Post by The StamPeDE »

This is my research, asking a whole message board on an anime. Maybe I came off the wrong way but I might as well cover myself before anyone jumps on me.

Offended? Sorry.

And if I bought the one with Chinese subtitles? Oh well.. thirty dollars is thirty dollars. And i'm not going to go tell the guy he's lying because he showed me the case to it at the mall over the weekend. No I had no Ps2 to put it in though it had enlgish writing on the back and the CD was a genuine ps2 disc. Casing and all. And as far as the "Otaku" thing goes... s'all I here is the lame ass term which I could give two shakes about.

My biggest thing was the fact that every time I go to a message board or a convention I get pissed on by "Anime Specialists" that pretty much use what they know to sound big in their own world..

Like I said. if I offended then, sorry.
Actually.. I already gave my explaination in my FIRST post.. so anyone who feels like they have to keep on with it.. eat me. L8r
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Post by Asmaria »

I'm apologizing in advance if I say something I shouldn't.


Its the whole attitude of 'deal with it, I dont' care what you think' that Sora's saying you need an attitude adjustment for. I'm not gonna just sit here and let you assume that we're gonna jump on you for saying something. I don't put up with cr*p like that. Sorry.

And for the record, Otaku is taken from the word 'o taku', or one's personal home. Otaku in Japan are considered of the fanboy type that rarely bathe and do not leave the house to socialize unless of course to buy more stuff. In America however, most fans have taken the term on as a way of identifying themselves with other fans. It basically means 'obsessed'.

And so... if you're thinking we come across as know it alls, maybe thats because of people like you jading our opinions of the fan community in general. Or perhaps its the other way around and the fans that DO act like know it alls have jaded YOUR opinion. But that is no excuse for acting like an a**. And in your first post, the way you EXPLAINED came across as 'know it all'. Besides that, most of the people who FOUNDED this board, know what they're talking about, have done their reasearch, and made this place as an ALTERNATIVE to the other stuck up places on the web. You wouldn't go up to someone you'd like to be friends and share interests with, and say "Hi! Don't give me any cr*p, but lets be friends!" do you? Get off your high horse, please.

Ahem. u.u

Now all of that said, can we just let this go? I'd like to forget stuff like this happens.
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Post by SigmaFlare »

well Ps2 disks are on DVD-Roms now and there are DVD burners..my guess (about the 2nd game) is that your friend bought a rip. It is very possible someone got the PS2 Jap version burned a copy, translated Jap backing and wrote it in english. I'm only assuming one of the many possibilities. Yes the DVD set is not entirely ready US but you can get it with American Subtitles and Chinese Subs but Japanese Speech. I know this becase it is available on EBay and i've been very tempted to purchase it...but i don't always like subs...sometimes the voices are highly annoying...lets see..the liminality thing has been answered...but to add on i think you can get the rest on Kazaa don't hold me to that because Kazaa killed my computer so i had to dump it (seems my computer has morals ^^*)...and Otaku...if i could put my hands on my Jap dictionary i could get the meaning..but ah i can't and i'm late for work...

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The StamPeDE
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Post by The StamPeDE »

Thank you very much Sigma. A reasonable explaination as opposed to " ITS NOT OUT YET IN AMERICA". That's all I wanted to get known.

And as far as..well whoever you are.. If I came off that way I already apologized for it so if you wanted to dissipate the tension you shouldn't have said anything further. Second, the term I used WAS to refer to that kind of person, the know it all fan boy or girl that tends to get on a person for watching "Cartoon network".. not that I promote cartoon network at all. I didnt put myself on a high horse, you put me there. And I get the attitude from those kinds of people. I never said that ALL of you were like that either, I just said I didnt want it from those of you who were so no, I wasnt acting like an ass, it's your fault for taking it personal.

"Know it all"? That made totally no sense lady.. really. I came here to ask about it and the only thing i'm being flamed on is the fact that I felt the need to make sure any of the assholes here that wanted to play HackSign god didnt start ranting.

And you were right.. it's the other way around and the fans have jaded my opinion of the anime watching community in total.. from the people whojump on the bandwagon after an episode of Kenshin on Cartoon Network to those who have bad hygene with the Sailor Moon outfits on at the conventions. You cant be mad at me because im protecting myself, can't help that the "community" tends to outcast me because i'm not the traditional model of an anime fan.

Like I said... sorry if I offended. Not gonna say it again.
"You got whacked cause yer weak"

I live in Georgia!!! Yay for lameness....

Girl: You watch anime?
Bleu: Yah... what's it to ya?
Girl: You sure don't look like..
Bleu: Like what?
Girl: Nothing...
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Post by SigmaFlare »

there is nothing wrong with living in georgia....and your welcome...I FOUND .hack//SIGN limited edition at media play in macon!!! BRB!

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