Details are a tad bit sketchy right now, as Bandai's doing the whole "do-a-dvd-release-like-a-kidney-stone;-no-publicity" thing. Hell, even the cover art looks piss-poor :/
But anyway, I TRY to stay positive ! With a MSRP of $59.98 comes the Limited Edition set! It also contains "Artbox/CD/Game/Tshirt". Uh huh. Game, eh? It had BETTER not be //G.U. Vol.1!
...(small squeacky voice) ..I, I was only joking around...GYAAAAARRR, I am faced with a terrible problem, you see, my inner conscience kicks and screams for answers about //ROOTS but everyone says it sucks!! For me, a very hard choice indeed
Well, in my situation, I'll come crawling back to .hack no matter how much it reeks of dead horse. In retrospect, I've yet to watch //SIGN in its entirety again, or even feel the want to watch an episode. Sure, everynow and then I feel like photocopying-by-hand a scene from Unison, but that's about--crap, now I feel like watching again. X_X Really what threw everyone off about //ROOTS, I feel, is the crap effort put into the drawings (sometimes it's really nice to look at, other times [most of the time] its.....really something &_&) and a plot that could have been accomplished in 13 episodes rather than 26. Like I said, take a look at my old summaries of the episodes. I know there's like...what, maybe 6 at most? 4? Hell, I don't know! But roughly every episode followed a formula.
In the end though, I say go for it. You have your own opinion, no matter how similar it is to someone else's. (I think I'm the only male alive that holds Final Fantasy X-2 as the one of the best FF's yet)...
EDIT: Yes, it would appear that the game is a demo of //G.U., kinda like how //SIGN's box set came with the demo for //Infection.
You're only young once, but you're NEVER too old to be immature.
haha...ur funny kiku chan....
im only hoping that this new story is funny...I like laughing..I don't have any of the maybe with this new show..I might get interested again...I much does the dvd cost again???
well everyone has different opinions on things, so maybe you will like it, I have not seen the show (yet) so I cant say for sure oh, and in case you missed it, the price is listed in the 1st post.
thedudewhosadude wrote: I think I'm the only male alive that holds Final Fantasy X-2 as the one of the best FF's yet...
You are. And I just lost all respect for you. In any event, I'll pick the DVD up for the simple fact that is is .hack. I like to have seen all the pieces of the puzzle for myself.
Lycoris: What is the name of your spear?
Alberio: It is the Divine Spear of Wotan.
Lycoris: It is a Spear of God.
Alberio: That's right.
thedudewhosadude wrote: I think I'm the only male alive that holds Final Fantasy X-2 as the one of the best FF's yet...
You are. And I just lost all respect for you. In any event, I'll pick the DVD up for the simple fact that is is .hack. I like to have seen all the pieces of the puzzle for myself.
Hey, thats not nice! e.e...WOW, we all come back to .hack in the end, I mean thats why we're here!
Xeno wrote:
You are. And I just lost all respect for you. In any event, I'll pick the DVD up for the simple fact that is is .hack. I like to have seen all the pieces of the puzzle for myself.
Woo, always a jaw-dropper and sexuality-questioner of a statement XD In my defense, I liked the fighting system; I'll agree that the story and concept was utter crap (c'mon, tragic endings are typical Final Fantasy! Almost all of them as of recent have the whole "NO PLEASE DON'T DIE" trend going on! Not to mention Yuna has a weird idea of a "rebound" [From summoner to...pole dancer?])
And yes, we do have tendencies to loop convos--there isn't much new info.
HOWEVER! I have found the art for the box, and on the whole I'm unimpressed:
I MUCH rather prefer the hexagonal .hack//SIGN box that was originally released!
You're only young once, but you're NEVER too old to be immature.
ooooh, PICS! Finally!, wait, oh...yeah ...*sigh* the shirt could use alot more detail, otherwise, if you wear it in public (youd have be a complete idiot to do that) people will ask you, "wat da hell is DoT Hak??? dat sounds f***ed up!".......on the plus side we are all unlikely to win it anyway.
oh....why is he lickin' his finger??????????? he's not um...
oh yeah, and im gonna buy the dvd's insted of rentin them...rentin is so lame....besides don't you need a card...which I don't have by the ways...
Yeah, I mean, I bet if I didn't know .hack I would say "wtf is .hack???"
but even if you explained it to me I guess I still wouldn't be able to get it....which I still don't since I just recently started liking .hack...well at least hack//sign..and wait wat am I talking about?
oh yeah, and I like final fantasy x-2 ass well...yup.