I've been thinking (which can't bea good thing) the whole .Hack//Sign theory was just one small idea from one person. Some ideas come from past experiences or dreams that you can interpret. but how was the idea of hack//sign started? How can someone come up with an idea like that. IF some of the charecters are based on people then who is maha/mia based on?
(once again) does ANYONE have the guitar tabs for Aura????
Life was created on this planet and countless species have appeared and disappeared. Even if humans eventually become extinct the earth will continue to journey across the galaxy without a second thought.
Well, usually people just think about something that would be unusual or strange, such as being hurt by an online game. Then from there you just brainstorm and take in ideas from others. As for the guitar tabs, I'm assuming you're talking about a 6 string, and I'm sorry, but I havent the slightest idea, except to use a lot of distortion...good luck on finding those!
You're only young once, but you're NEVER too old to be immature.
as for as the whole where did someone come up with an idea like .hack//sign........some people base there charcters on who they would like to be or who they dont want to be or even a person they admire......and as for the whole thing the story....its would kinda be like a day dream you know.........this is only what i think
Maybe they had a dream about it and wrote it down from there. I remember way back in Middle school we had to write a book and I wrote mine based on a dream.
They say that dreams are like passageways into ones self concious (i can't spell!) and that they show yourb true personality in them.
Life was created on this planet and countless species have appeared and disappeared. Even if humans eventually become extinct the earth will continue to journey across the galaxy without a second thought.
Sometimes you see shows or play games. You think they're fun, but they're not quite exactly 'perfect' to you. You get a raw idea from somewhere and incorporate all the elements you'd like to see in there. I think a lot of ideas are born this way, especially looking at the games, since most RPG's are similar: they have elemental magic, exclusive weapons, and items that either heal, strenghten, and protect agains status ailments. The novel, and the story-line itself-obviously, is hardly based on gameplay.
T__T I forgot the exact point I wanted to make. But anywho, I think it was something like this for the creator. Except that it's a lot more elaborate and has a lot of 'new' information, so it's confusing the first time you watch it. It was very confusing to me the frist time I watched it and had no idea what's going on. Especially since I never read //AI BUSTER to get me started...I wish I knew Japanese.
well, unless you personally know the person(s) involved in the creation of a story, you can never know why they made it the way it is...i mean, what i'm trying to get at is... :roll:well what I'm trying to say is these things just happen...i think
"Cry 'HAVOC' and let slip the dogs of war"
"My head is nauseous-nyo!"
"You cannot stop me. You cannot destroy me. For I am the cockroach of love."
Folk, don' t rely on me, for i have crappy subs...
Well if you want to talk about dreams ( which I've studied a great deal)
, they're more like random blurbs based off of memories
(real or daydream) that try their best to make sense in story-format.
As for complex stories that create a universe of their own, they start
on a simple premise or idea. Take the story I've been trying to write
since before Kindergarden, the premise: "I despised and couldn't relate
to Super Man with all his brawn and c***." Then stuff happens, other
ideas origionally meant for other things get incorporated. You add
charas that are based off of people you could see in those events,
and they eventually evolve into people in a world of their own. So, by
the time you write it, You don't write the story. Rather, you seem to
ask that universe what so-and-so would do. You're kind of like God to
that universe, but you'll feel really weird and wrong if you use your
powers to make uber-drastic changes to it.
Every second of every day, one is a different
person. Even if just slightly. One can only hope
that the changes, even if minute, are for the
dreams ........ believe it or not after i have a dream it happens but thats not the point....
in role play in some of the furoms have it.....and pluse how do we not know ywo or three people created this story.....it appears this guy or these people .....this world is a world they wish to be alive in. thats how i feel when i right a story
whos to say its a place they would want to be and not a place they fear anyway. it could be a dream but all the same they could have thought up a horrible place and then told of their ideas to others who just switched stuff up to suit themselves and somewhere along the line it turned into the world we know. must writters base stuff off things they already know and like and just change it around to suit themselves. to show their own vibe. hell who knows where the idea came from and frankly who cares as long as its good.
"There is no one who does not carry scars on his heart. If there was someone in this world like that, he would be a shallow soul."-Hiei
*~EvErYoNe Is SoMeOnE eLsEs WeIrDo*~
Heh, when I first watched hack/sign 1.5 years ago, I felt it similar to my life. I didn't really know who I was or why. On top of that, I didn't really know where I should be or belonged.
Your brain puts memories together by a similar way dreams come about. It holds on to key ideas(especially unique ones) and fills in all the generics. When dreaming, I'm told that your brain stem fires randomly and triggers various memories. The brain is just trying to logically put sense into randomness. Normally you don't realize how weird it is until you wake up, after higher level thinging kicks in.
Yeah, I left the boards quite some time ago. It just got borring. Not much new happened. It's supprising seeing Elf as a Mod now. I remember her as a flammer back in the day, though it could have been someone else. Elk's avatar looks like that other person's. It's also funny to see how many topics are locked on the front list, most new discussions seems dead now. Back then we spent most of the time speculating the rest of the series before it was out. It was fun though, but the steam is all gone now.