CRtwenty wrote:But we have seen that some of the fanart here does inspire her... like the whole "Tickle me Elko" thing...
I could see Elk intentionally running into Mia though... it'd certainly be a way to get noticed!
^^; true.
Well, it's not that I don't take requests. Heck, I get a lot of ideas browsing through here. The thing is, getting the point across in the comic is not always easy to make up. Just the other day, my mom was watching TV and I got an idea from it, but I couldn't draw it because I couldn't think of a way to potray the characters in that idea. Get it? ^^; Also, I kinda have to be inspired to do it. If I don't want to or don't know what to do, then I simply don't do it.
Though, the Mia on skates does give me an idea. I just dunno if I wanna do it or not :P
CRtwenty wrote:What, you mean like Tsukasa in Subaru's chair running into a Mia on skates, causing her to crash into Elk? Sounds more like the 3 Stooges to me...
... *bursts out laughing* XD
"I didn't mean to crash into, I swear! I... I was just going down a hill!"
CRtwenty wrote:What, you mean like Tsukasa in Subaru's chair running into a Mia on skates, causing her to crash into Elk? Sounds more like the 3 Stooges to me...
*dies from excessive laughter*
Nice, very nice. I can't speak... im laughing too hard. I haven't laughed that hard since Tickle Me Elko
*remmebers Tickle Me Elko*
Last edited by Cobalt the Blue Storm on Sat June 6, 2006 6:06:06 am; edited 6 times in total AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH TOO MANY 6's *hides in corner*
PUT EM' UP (9'.')9