Okay, I know Moruti is in the canon oh so crappy suxx0rz anime UdeDen thing, but she's cool so she's in the picture o_o
I drew this at like, 3 AM so it's kinda crappy, but oh well :D It came out to my liking or sorts. And stuff....
Well.... First off, you might want to check the meaning of the word 'canon' in your closest dictionary, which I sincerely advise you to. Secondly, DeviantArt seems to be down. Bummer.
yeah, she looks pretty pissed at Mourti, anyway, great pic! it really looks like a family portrait, except that Morganna's a voice and Mourti...well she's kinda Morganna...Great Job!
You're only young once, but you're NEVER too old to be immature.
...Wow.........^_^ That's a good picture. At 3 AM? ...That's a REALLY good picture...at least you didn't fall asleep and...ruin your picture somehow. It's good, though ^^;.
aisubeki mono no tame
ai o kureru mono no tame dekiru koto-Inuyashsa lyrics
Last edited by Cobalt the Blue Storm on Sat June 6, 2006 6:06:06 am; edited 6 times in total AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH TOO MANY 6's *hides in corner*
PUT EM' UP (9'.')9
...Back to the picture... It's the usual Duskino stuff, alright. Colourful, with a unique style. I would comment more but trying to figure out what ECF meant by those five words will leave me awake 'till morning.