the Sun is in your Eyes, the Sun is in your Ears...
Moderators: Sora, Balmung, Bear, Kite
Chapter 5: Walking the Path of Hope
The shadowy woman summons her Mirror spirit. "Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who's the next Phase to fall?" The Mirror spirit forms into a stone mask with a fixed smile. "Why that would be Me, my Queen! Fidchell, the Dark Prophet!" She smirks and sends him off to crush the spirit of the Twilight Dragon, the one called Kamwie.
Kamwie sits in his study, looking over the Bracelet, the strange item that was visible to him, but to no other, the item that had the power to defeat these Phases. Kamwie then gasps as he realizes a pattern! "Skeith, Innis, Magus! why didnt I see it before?" he took out a book from his library, the Epitaph of Twilight, the bible of this world! he flipped through it to the Book of Dusk, the prophecies of the World's end! "Skeith, Innis, and Magus! I've been fighting gods! The very same gods who swore to give birth to the Messiah, but then, why are they attacking me, and who's the Messiah?"
That night, in Kamwie's dream, he ended up in the Cathedral once more, but now, infront of the altar, there was a statue of a girl that looked like Aura, except she was older, her eyes were closed and she was crying, as five chains bound her to the ground. Then, a strange stone mask appears, a Phase! Kamwie gasps as he recognizes this one. "Fidchell! the Dark Prophet!" Fidchell nods it's wooden face. "That is correct, Kamwie, but I am not here to fight, I am here to deliver my prophecies!" Kamwie scowls. "I don't need your Prophecies of Despair, Demon!" Fidchell smiles. "But I think you do, there's your children, Nazuna's health, and Aura!" Kamwie gasps. "What do you know about Aura?"
Fidchell chuckles. "Haven't you figured it out? Aura is the prophecized Messiah in the Book of Dawn!" Kamwie gasps and looks at the Bracelet. "But how can she be the Messiah if I'm the one with the Bracelet?" "Another being is binding Aura's power, Aura is currently dead, but she shall be Reborn, and on her second Birth, she shall become the True Messiah." "But what about Nazuna's health, and my children?" "Nazuna, she shall marry her true love, Ryan Hamilton, it will be a happy marriage for 9 months, until Nazuna gives birth to her son, Kronos, she shall die during labor, poor Naz, I knew her well." He then conjures a gloved hand holding Nazuna's head, being eaten by maggots, and throws it, Kamwie catches it and screams, dropping the head, which dissapears.
"This is her fate, and so it shall be, you cannot change it, as for your children, well, let's say Aura is not going to succeed on her quest, your children, Angela and Zelphi, will be the Twin Messiahs of Light and Darkness." he conjures the image of a little girl in white with short blonde hair, and a tall girl with purple hair dressed as the statue of Aura. "Angela of the Darkness, and Zelphi of the Light, together they function as one unit, the Twilight, but like their previous incarnation, they shall fail!" Kamwie gasps as the children fade away. "My children, will be the reincarnations of Aura?" He then awakens as morning comes and Azuna calls him for breakfast, was that a dream, or the Real Prophet?
Chapter 6: The Hands of Time
The shadowy woman summons her Mirror spirit. "Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who's the next Phase to fall?" The Mirror spirit forms into a stone mask with a fixed smile. "Why that would be Me, my Queen! Fidchell, the Dark Prophet!" She smirks and sends him off to crush the spirit of the Twilight Dragon, the one called Kamwie.
Kamwie sits in his study, looking over the Bracelet, the strange item that was visible to him, but to no other, the item that had the power to defeat these Phases. Kamwie then gasps as he realizes a pattern! "Skeith, Innis, Magus! why didnt I see it before?" he took out a book from his library, the Epitaph of Twilight, the bible of this world! he flipped through it to the Book of Dusk, the prophecies of the World's end! "Skeith, Innis, and Magus! I've been fighting gods! The very same gods who swore to give birth to the Messiah, but then, why are they attacking me, and who's the Messiah?"
That night, in Kamwie's dream, he ended up in the Cathedral once more, but now, infront of the altar, there was a statue of a girl that looked like Aura, except she was older, her eyes were closed and she was crying, as five chains bound her to the ground. Then, a strange stone mask appears, a Phase! Kamwie gasps as he recognizes this one. "Fidchell! the Dark Prophet!" Fidchell nods it's wooden face. "That is correct, Kamwie, but I am not here to fight, I am here to deliver my prophecies!" Kamwie scowls. "I don't need your Prophecies of Despair, Demon!" Fidchell smiles. "But I think you do, there's your children, Nazuna's health, and Aura!" Kamwie gasps. "What do you know about Aura?"
Fidchell chuckles. "Haven't you figured it out? Aura is the prophecized Messiah in the Book of Dawn!" Kamwie gasps and looks at the Bracelet. "But how can she be the Messiah if I'm the one with the Bracelet?" "Another being is binding Aura's power, Aura is currently dead, but she shall be Reborn, and on her second Birth, she shall become the True Messiah." "But what about Nazuna's health, and my children?" "Nazuna, she shall marry her true love, Ryan Hamilton, it will be a happy marriage for 9 months, until Nazuna gives birth to her son, Kronos, she shall die during labor, poor Naz, I knew her well." He then conjures a gloved hand holding Nazuna's head, being eaten by maggots, and throws it, Kamwie catches it and screams, dropping the head, which dissapears.
"This is her fate, and so it shall be, you cannot change it, as for your children, well, let's say Aura is not going to succeed on her quest, your children, Angela and Zelphi, will be the Twin Messiahs of Light and Darkness." he conjures the image of a little girl in white with short blonde hair, and a tall girl with purple hair dressed as the statue of Aura. "Angela of the Darkness, and Zelphi of the Light, together they function as one unit, the Twilight, but like their previous incarnation, they shall fail!" Kamwie gasps as the children fade away. "My children, will be the reincarnations of Aura?" He then awakens as morning comes and Azuna calls him for breakfast, was that a dream, or the Real Prophet?
Chapter 6: The Hands of Time
Rectos Dominos
"Here's an example," Aura said. She appeared in front of YamiJared, smacked him in the face, and disappeared.
"What did you smack me for?" YamiJared yelled. Then Aura appeared again.
"The paragraph changes with the speaker..." she explains, then kicks him in the shins.
"What did you smack me for?" YamiJared yelled. Then Aura appeared again.
"The paragraph changes with the speaker..." she explains, then kicks him in the shins.
*Insert line full of moral and wisdom*
(The name is ENDER!!!!)

(The name is ENDER!!!!)

oh, that -.- well, if you look closely, it's either because the paragraphs are growing too big, or it's a scene transition, where a new paragraph is pretty nessecary(sp?)
Chapter 6: the Hands of Time
It was 9 months after the marriage of Nazuna and Ryan, and 9 and a half after the dream with the Prophet. Kamwie, Azuna, Ryan and Rowan are in the waiting room, as Nazuna is giving birth. Later, the doctor comes out holding a baby boy wrapped in a blue blanket. He doesn't look very happy, and Ryan jumps up. "Doctor, what's wrong?" The doctor frowns. "The baby is fine, but your wife, she isn't going to make it."
Ryan and the others gasp as they run into the Emergency Room. Ryan runs up to his wife and grasps her hand. "Naz! you'll be ok!" Then a chuckling is heard as Fidchell appears in the room. "What did I tell you, Dragon? the Priestess isn't going to make it." Kamwie glares at Fidchell, and the Bracelet reacts, as if evolving.
Fidchell frowns and backs away. "Oh no! the Prophecy I was hoping wouldn't come true, your Fragment of Aura is Awakening!" Kamwie holds up his Bracelet as several beams fire out of it. "Drain Arc!" a red beam hits Fidchell, destroying him, a yellow one goes through Ryan and into Naz, and a blue one goes through the baby and into Azuna. Nazuna opens her eyes as her breathing returns to normal.
"Ryan, dear, I want to see our son.." Ryan nods and Azuna hands her younger sister the baby. She rocks it and smiles. "We'll name him Kronos" Ryan smiles and nods. The red beam destroyed Fidchell, the yellow one healed Nazuna, but for some reason, Azuna isn't effected whatsoever. Kamwie smiles and grasps the invisible Bracelet and whispers. "Aura, your still watching over this family, thank you..."
The shadowy woman smiles as the power of the Dark Prophet flows into her body, and as she smiles down on the grey girl in this bed before her, she chuckles. "Aura, my daughter, your pet Dragon is becoming stronger, but no matter what you do, I shall win, I am half way complete, and you are shattered, even your Guardian is keeping you seperate."
she then turns to her cauldron and removes the hood of her shadowy cloak, looking at the green bubbling liquid and seeing a vision of Kamwie and his family. the woman smiles with her bright ruby lips, her creamy white skin also complements it quite well, along with her blue eyes and raven black hair going down her shoulders.
"Kamwie, know this, I will never release my hold on the Child, and so long as I do, your children shall never be born, and when you die..." She pulls out a black parasol, and at the bottom of the handle is a blade, a scythe, to be precise. "The last words you shall hear, is my name, Morganna." she then chuckles as the black mist of the lair envelops the scene.
Next Time
Chapter 7: Betrayal
Chapter 6: the Hands of Time
It was 9 months after the marriage of Nazuna and Ryan, and 9 and a half after the dream with the Prophet. Kamwie, Azuna, Ryan and Rowan are in the waiting room, as Nazuna is giving birth. Later, the doctor comes out holding a baby boy wrapped in a blue blanket. He doesn't look very happy, and Ryan jumps up. "Doctor, what's wrong?" The doctor frowns. "The baby is fine, but your wife, she isn't going to make it."
Ryan and the others gasp as they run into the Emergency Room. Ryan runs up to his wife and grasps her hand. "Naz! you'll be ok!" Then a chuckling is heard as Fidchell appears in the room. "What did I tell you, Dragon? the Priestess isn't going to make it." Kamwie glares at Fidchell, and the Bracelet reacts, as if evolving.
Fidchell frowns and backs away. "Oh no! the Prophecy I was hoping wouldn't come true, your Fragment of Aura is Awakening!" Kamwie holds up his Bracelet as several beams fire out of it. "Drain Arc!" a red beam hits Fidchell, destroying him, a yellow one goes through Ryan and into Naz, and a blue one goes through the baby and into Azuna. Nazuna opens her eyes as her breathing returns to normal.
"Ryan, dear, I want to see our son.." Ryan nods and Azuna hands her younger sister the baby. She rocks it and smiles. "We'll name him Kronos" Ryan smiles and nods. The red beam destroyed Fidchell, the yellow one healed Nazuna, but for some reason, Azuna isn't effected whatsoever. Kamwie smiles and grasps the invisible Bracelet and whispers. "Aura, your still watching over this family, thank you..."
The shadowy woman smiles as the power of the Dark Prophet flows into her body, and as she smiles down on the grey girl in this bed before her, she chuckles. "Aura, my daughter, your pet Dragon is becoming stronger, but no matter what you do, I shall win, I am half way complete, and you are shattered, even your Guardian is keeping you seperate."
she then turns to her cauldron and removes the hood of her shadowy cloak, looking at the green bubbling liquid and seeing a vision of Kamwie and his family. the woman smiles with her bright ruby lips, her creamy white skin also complements it quite well, along with her blue eyes and raven black hair going down her shoulders.
"Kamwie, know this, I will never release my hold on the Child, and so long as I do, your children shall never be born, and when you die..." She pulls out a black parasol, and at the bottom of the handle is a blade, a scythe, to be precise. "The last words you shall hear, is my name, Morganna." she then chuckles as the black mist of the lair envelops the scene.
Next Time
Chapter 7: Betrayal
Last edited by YamiJared on Thu Jul 01, 2004 12:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
Rectos Dominos
Chapter 7: Betrayal
Kamwie looked over the Bracelet, pondering it's recent Evolution while it was raining outside. He was at home, and Azuna was thinking about having kids, but he wasn't ready yet. "Aura, how do you work?" Little did he know, that Morganna was going to strike.
Morganna watches Kamwie from her domain. She summons two stone masks, which whisper to each other as they enter the room. "Gorre! Your turn is up, you know your mission!" The heads nod, and they speak in perfect syncronization. "My Queen, may we borrow the power of Deciet?" Morganna ponders this, and nods. "Alright, but don't forget! use the power of Scheme as well!" The masks nod and dissapear.
That night, when Kamwie and Azuna are in bed, two voices start whispering into their ears, and a dream world is constructed. Azuna wakes up that morning and starts making breakfast as usual, when Kamwie comes in. "Hi honey, grab a seat, it's bacon and eggs." Then Kamwie comes up and pushes Azuna, causing her to spill everything and bacon grease burns her face. "AH! Kamwie call a doctor!" But with her one good eye, she just barely catches Kamwie walking off casually.
Kamwie is waking up and yawns, and realizes a pillow is being pressed againest his face, he struggles to get free until he kicks the assailant off him, and realizes it's Azuna. "Azuna?" before he could catch her, she runs off, Kamwie runs after her and bumps into Azuna running into him. "Azuna! what happened to your face? and why were you trying to suffocate me?" "suffocate you? your the one who burned me with bacon grease!" Then everything falls into place, and they embrace, Azuna's face is healed and they're forced appart as a peice of Aura's spirit appears.
Kamwie and Azuna both look in awe at the glowing spirit. "Aura.." They both say. Aura walks up to Kamwie and fades into his Bracelet, and they're house turns into a church, where they see a statue of a girl that looks like Aura, being bound by 4 chains, the imposter Kamwie and Azuna appear to the real couple. "So, your love is more powerful than we thought, than we must eliminate you directly"
Kamwie fires the Bracelet's Beam at the Fake Kamwie, who deflects it with his own beam. "What?" The Fake Kamwie chuckles. "We're Phases, you fool! We have Aura's power just as much as you do!" The two beams, however, hit the Azunas, one is unaffected, while one screams and vanishes. The Real Azuna managed to catch one of the Beams and throws it at the Fake Kamwie, revealing his true form, a stone mask. "But, why wasn't SHE effected?" Azuna shrugs "I'm just lucky that way." then the stone beast dissapears, and the powers of Deciet and Scheme are once more put to rest, and one of the chains dissapears.
Kamwie and Azuna wake up from that false world holding hands. they smiles as they both get up for breakfast. Morganna watches them for her cauldron, and the powers of Deciet and Scheme once more become one with her. She turns to Aura, and now Aura is pure white. "Damn you, Kamwie, damn you, Azuna, damn you AURA!" She fires a beam at her cauldron and it explodes. She smirks as she feels a little bit better
She summons a kitty in mage clothing, they seem to communicate telepathically. Morganna grows angry and fire a beam at the cat. the kitty quickly grabs the sleeping Aura and dissapears, and the beam barely scratches the cat's neck. " chose to rebel, so I shall take your voice. The longer you side with the Child, the more you shall deteriorate. . ."
Chapter 8: Freedom to the Temptress! Morality is born!
Kamwie looked over the Bracelet, pondering it's recent Evolution while it was raining outside. He was at home, and Azuna was thinking about having kids, but he wasn't ready yet. "Aura, how do you work?" Little did he know, that Morganna was going to strike.
Morganna watches Kamwie from her domain. She summons two stone masks, which whisper to each other as they enter the room. "Gorre! Your turn is up, you know your mission!" The heads nod, and they speak in perfect syncronization. "My Queen, may we borrow the power of Deciet?" Morganna ponders this, and nods. "Alright, but don't forget! use the power of Scheme as well!" The masks nod and dissapear.
That night, when Kamwie and Azuna are in bed, two voices start whispering into their ears, and a dream world is constructed. Azuna wakes up that morning and starts making breakfast as usual, when Kamwie comes in. "Hi honey, grab a seat, it's bacon and eggs." Then Kamwie comes up and pushes Azuna, causing her to spill everything and bacon grease burns her face. "AH! Kamwie call a doctor!" But with her one good eye, she just barely catches Kamwie walking off casually.
Kamwie is waking up and yawns, and realizes a pillow is being pressed againest his face, he struggles to get free until he kicks the assailant off him, and realizes it's Azuna. "Azuna?" before he could catch her, she runs off, Kamwie runs after her and bumps into Azuna running into him. "Azuna! what happened to your face? and why were you trying to suffocate me?" "suffocate you? your the one who burned me with bacon grease!" Then everything falls into place, and they embrace, Azuna's face is healed and they're forced appart as a peice of Aura's spirit appears.
Kamwie and Azuna both look in awe at the glowing spirit. "Aura.." They both say. Aura walks up to Kamwie and fades into his Bracelet, and they're house turns into a church, where they see a statue of a girl that looks like Aura, being bound by 4 chains, the imposter Kamwie and Azuna appear to the real couple. "So, your love is more powerful than we thought, than we must eliminate you directly"
Kamwie fires the Bracelet's Beam at the Fake Kamwie, who deflects it with his own beam. "What?" The Fake Kamwie chuckles. "We're Phases, you fool! We have Aura's power just as much as you do!" The two beams, however, hit the Azunas, one is unaffected, while one screams and vanishes. The Real Azuna managed to catch one of the Beams and throws it at the Fake Kamwie, revealing his true form, a stone mask. "But, why wasn't SHE effected?" Azuna shrugs "I'm just lucky that way." then the stone beast dissapears, and the powers of Deciet and Scheme are once more put to rest, and one of the chains dissapears.
Kamwie and Azuna wake up from that false world holding hands. they smiles as they both get up for breakfast. Morganna watches them for her cauldron, and the powers of Deciet and Scheme once more become one with her. She turns to Aura, and now Aura is pure white. "Damn you, Kamwie, damn you, Azuna, damn you AURA!" She fires a beam at her cauldron and it explodes. She smirks as she feels a little bit better
She summons a kitty in mage clothing, they seem to communicate telepathically. Morganna grows angry and fire a beam at the cat. the kitty quickly grabs the sleeping Aura and dissapears, and the beam barely scratches the cat's neck. " chose to rebel, so I shall take your voice. The longer you side with the Child, the more you shall deteriorate. . ."
Chapter 8: Freedom to the Temptress! Morality is born!
Rectos Dominos