Its just the moderators attitude (ALTIMIT), you eventually adjust to tune them out like most of us do. Don't worry too much about it, they're just strict and diciplinary because majority of the users who join are total troublesome cases that like to cause trouble. Most the questions that new people ask right away are all stated in the Game Guide even the topic title is the exact question that they're asking and the moderators just get really annoyed that they took the time to put up a post but couldn't use that same time to look in the area with all the answers. Don't frieght too much upon it, it gets much funnier without their interferrance and there won't be any interferrance at all once you don't get on thier radrar.
Anyways, this site (.hack//Info) used to be exactly the same back in the day. There'd be users daily joining with .hack names like Kite..... and then the moderator Dark Puchiguso would ban them instantly or Bear, Elk, Tsukasa would rename them to UntitledXX. Things used to be harsh, any double discussions would result in both being locked and sent to the CyberSlums. But things here are a bit moderate now and really only Elk, Bear, and a few mods pop in every now and then.
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