BT on Saki

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BT on Saki

Post by Kogun791 »

I went to Donna Rawlins' website and I was able to listen to some of the voiceovers she's done. BT wasn't included, but once she did the voice of the troll in the 3 Billy Goats. Anyway, my overactive imagination started cranking and I came up with this.

BT on Saki

BT raised her staff and yelled, "Gan Zot!" But the Snip-Snap she was fighting dodged the attack and slashed at her with it's pinchers. BT was all ready weakened, so that attack took her remaining health.
"No!" BT complained. The person in the real world took the visor off her head and through it at the computer screen, which was flashin GAME OVER. BT decided to take a walk to blow off some steam.
She soon arrived at a bar. Two men in suits were throwing a brown-haired eleven year old boy out of the bar. When the boy saw BT, he said, "Hey, pretty lady, gimme your member address.." in a familiar voice. BT cocked an eyebrow and went inside.
"What do you want?" asked the bartender.
"Saki." BT replied.
After she finished her first one, she got four more.
BT took a cab home and turned "The World" on.
As soon as she got there, she stumbled under the Mac Anu bridge and started attacking everyone who wanted to cross. A player with silver armor and a skull-like helmet with crimson clothing underneath and burning red eyes started to cross. So BT attacked.
Silver Knight gasped.
"BT?" he exclaimed.
BT burped. "Well, you think a trolls life is all glamour, don't you, huh,huh,huh? You think I get cable down here, huh?" she rasped.
Silver Knight screamed like a little girl and ran off to the Chaos Gate to log out.
BT soon became bored with her little Troll Booth job, so she typed random words into the Chaos Gate. The land she went to had a broken bed and a cat was chewing on something.
"Mmmm..." she said with an accent, " that's one juicy looking mouse you got there, Tuna Breath..." Maha hissed. " Oh, hey there, Bobcat, sweety honey, I didn't expect to find you here..." Then she began to sing. "Hold on, just a minute honey. Don't do nothing rash! I'm just playing mouse with the cat, didn't mean to make you mad."
But BT gated out of that odd area as soon as Maha started flying toward her with one of the bed posts.
BT was wandering around a field in Dun Loireag when she came upon a monster too strong for her level. She struggled, but her HP was at the lowest it could be without being at 0. She giggled insanely, still being very drunk. However, the monster suddenly split in half and disappeared. Turns out, it was a very strong Heavy Blade character named Ginai.
"You oughtta be more careful, ma'am." he said.
"Wait, don't go! I dare you to PK Lady Subaru! I dare you! Dare! Dare! Dare!" she exclaimed.
"Fine." Ginai sighed.
However, Ginai was caught by the Crimson Knights.
"Ah, now that Ginai has been caught, I am free to do my best." BT smiled.
So she tried to PK Subaru.
BT was finally thrown out of the world for misconduct.
The next day, BT had slept off the saki and decided to play The World. Now, she didn't remember anything that had happened the previous day.
The latest message on the board read,
"A Female Blonde Wavemaster with a blue dress and a staff with a green orb was acting all drunk yesterday. That's just insane, why would they let a drunk person play the game."
The reply from someone named Ginai read,
"Her name was BT. She challenged me to PK Subaru, but I didn't. I just told her I was caught."
BT felt very embarrassed. She was frozen to the chair. So both fell over backwards.
BT didn't get back on the world for 3 more weeks.

Oh yeah, BTW, if you want to hear the real voiceovers, go to
to hear them. Select Animation.
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Post by Aoki »

Most Interesting. The page link you posted doesn't work the site isn't there. Anyway funny story! I enjoyed it. I like how you threw Sora in there as well. Little kid wanting to get drunk! LOL Oh my you should do one with Sora getting drunk as well and loging in to The World! That would be hillarious!! LOL :D I can just see him flipping off a high cliff at Dun Loireag LOL!!
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Post by Kogun791 »

I think Sora is always drunk..once I drew a caricature of him IRL when he was drunk, and the only color was red drunk lines across his face.

That one should work, you just have to go to voiceovers from there, then play the animation one.
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Post by Kogun791 »

okey, just go to if you are really that desperate to hear it.

BTW, here is my Oekaki pic of BT drunk on Saki. In the first version, it was Crim who met BT under the bridge, not Silver Knight. So that's why Crim is in the pic instead of him.
Anyway, I don't really know how to use an Oekaki and I don't have a tablet, so it's kinda hard for me to draw great pictures with a mouse.
And this one was just a "fun" pic, anyway, so that's another reason why it's not that great.
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Post by CRtwenty »

it's actually spelled "Sake" not "Saki"
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Post by Kogun791 »

I know, but I like Saki so much's easier to say. The easy "Sock-ee" or the lightly harder "Sock-kay?" I like Sockee better. :)
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Post by CRtwenty »

That sounds like a toy or something... :)

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Post by Elk »

Silly unknowing-of-japanese kids; let's say this together. SAH-KEH. Sake.
...sheesh. You're worse than my mother. -_-;;

Nice fic.. I guess.. the whole drunk thing must be kind of fake (like Balmung did in Ueden); since it is an online game & all. Kind of funny, didn't laugh much.... but.. It was promising.
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Post by Aoki »

yeah I was going to comment on the "sake" but you guys already did that. Anyway yeah it was some what humorous in Udeden when Balmung was drinking the artificialy programed "sah-kay" :P. I wan't pocky.
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Post by Kogun791 »

Silly unknowing-of-japanese kids; let's say this together. SAH-KEH. Sake.
Besides, I even call Ryuji in Fighters Destiny Ryushi because it's easier to remember. But I'm just that way.
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Post by Tsunami the Silver Dragon »

Heh. Pretty funny. I would try hit her with something too if someone drunk was bothering me.

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Post by Dejiko »

<< phea, only CR has seen me on sake.. @__@ XD

*le poofiness and disappear using coolee mirrors*

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