Tsukasa's Memory
Moderators: Sora, Balmung, Bear, Kite
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Tsukasa's Memory
I personally think that tsukasa's memorys all have been made up (well atleast 99% of them) because i doubt morgenta would allow those "memorys" to be sorda uploaded to him, since his minds pretty much in a safefile, so is sorda like morgenta is prapaganda (spellcheck) tsukasa's brain, any thoughts?
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I think his memories were more likely to be "altered" than "created". They may even be his own memories, just his most depressed ones.
Now if your talking about.....
[spoiler]Tsukasa actually thinking she is a male, then I believe Morganna altered her memories. But her memories of her dead mother is all real that Morganna used to depress her[/spoiler]
Now if your talking about.....
[spoiler]Tsukasa actually thinking she is a male, then I believe Morganna altered her memories. But her memories of her dead mother is all real that Morganna used to depress her[/spoiler]

[spoiler]True, her father wanted a boy child so bad that I believe Tsukasa began to wish she were male, only to please her father. I think that Morganna used this desire of Tsukasa to alter her memories more. As a summery it was originally a desperate desire that Morganna used to make Tsukasa even more unaware of herself in the real world[/spoiler]

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[spoiler]I don't think it was alteration so much as post-Data-Drain effects. I mean, every time she got Data Drained, her memories were somewhat blurred, so it was easy for Morganna to take advantage. Thus, considering her character was male, she had every reason to believe that she was male, ESPECIALLY considering the negative memories that she had regarding her father and his displeasure of her existance...[/spoiler]
I'm the missing Twilight item, Eggplant of the Twilight.
his memorys could be altered.... and he could only remember his depressed memorys but in the world his always in a depressed way....and his feelings toward adults the whole "adults are so selfish" must mean he has had a bad life with them so his memorys must all be depressed well most of them....you know that is possible
She does remember a lot of her most depressing memories towards adults like her father and her mother leaving, and that probably created that first dislike in Bear and Crim, because they acted like such adults she really didnt want anything to do wtih them. Mimiru Tsukasa could tolerate because Tsukasa knew that Mimiru was a teenager due to she talked about school a lot and her childish behavior.

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- thedudewhosadude
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It's funny, this relates quite a bit to Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories. If you haven't played it and don't want to know, then don't read what I'm going to say. In the game, Sora and crew enter Castle Oblivion. As they progress higher and higher through the castle, they lose more and more memories, but Sora starts to gain new memories that he thought were just repressed. His newly found memories of Naime were literally drawn-in by her. The most precious thing to Sora was Kairi, and she replaced Kairi with herself. In one of the fabricated lies, Sora had supposedly made a promise to Naime to always protect her. Even after Sora had learned that his memories were all false, he still protected Naime, because he had made a promise, even thought he really didn't. So, jumping to FLCL, it was mentioned in the third episode a little blub about puss-in-boots. Personally, I don't know the story of puss-in-boots. However, Ninamori mentioned that the price would lie to people about himself. After a while though, he actually did the things that he said he did before, making his lie into a truth. So, basically Sora made that lie into a truth; he will always protect Naime. So, pulling this into how it related to Tsukasa's modifyed memories: Chances are, Tsukasa's memories weren't all that severely tweaked. Tsukasa saw herself as a boy, so that's one obvious "tweak". Going back to CoM, Naime explained that she could restore their "lost" memories, because memories are never really lost, their just pushed back further and further into your heart (despite the heart not storing memories
) She put Sora and co. into a sleep, so she could "rearrange" the links (each link is a memory) so that the memories of her would be repressed, and those of Kairi and Riku would stay "on top". Relation to .hack? There's no such thing as a person that hasn't had a single moment of happyness. In conclusion, I think that Morganna simply rearranged and tweaked Tsukasa's emo-kid memories. She made them more....memorable than the happierones. Instead of remembering just getting the little kitted, Tsukasa remembered getting it and having it taken away. Tsukasa might have tried to forget the end part, but Morganna made it surface.

You're only young once, but you're NEVER too old to be immature.
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[spoiler]The Reason why Tsukasa is male is that she was unhappy. She was afraid of her father because she was female. So she / he was a perfect aim for her plans. He negative experience in life was needed to feed Aura to create a Dark Aura.
He wanted to stay forever in "The World". After the DD in Auras bed he should be afraid of Morganna too. In the last episode he said that he wasn't afraid of Morganna or his father anymore.
He wanted to stay forever in "The World". After the DD in Auras bed he should be afraid of Morganna too. In the last episode he said that he wasn't afraid of Morganna or his father anymore.
- Guynietoren
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It makes more sense if you've suffered mental illness before. I've found the edge of it before, fortunate to find my way back on my own. But I've known a few friends that fell into it pretty bad. If your traumatized enough, you can possibly switch to another personallity. One that is based off of what you know and what you've been forced to submit to. It's kind of like your old personality just gave up, leading the weird stuff to surface. Such as Tsukasa's memory jumble. I'm not familiar with Tsukasa's entire story line, but her personality seems pretty much the same and unexpressive. It may also mean that she never aspired to anything better.
Heh, sometimes I can still hear pieces of the voices I used to hear. I used to think it was just that my subconcious found a way to talk to me. It used to tell me really good ideas, sometimes feeding me words to say directly. Oddly enough, my family didn't notice anything odd. Everything that came out involuntarily sounded very logical in the context of arguments. In the end, I was able to pull it into my voluntary personallity. Heh, my grades at school seemed to go up quite a bit after that. Like I had doubled the complexity of the things I could wrap my head around. My friend on the other hand, is a genius now, but lost a lot of social restraint. Meaning he has no problem drawing attention to himself, in bad ways.
edit: some spelling errors and content
Heh, sometimes I can still hear pieces of the voices I used to hear. I used to think it was just that my subconcious found a way to talk to me. It used to tell me really good ideas, sometimes feeding me words to say directly. Oddly enough, my family didn't notice anything odd. Everything that came out involuntarily sounded very logical in the context of arguments. In the end, I was able to pull it into my voluntary personallity. Heh, my grades at school seemed to go up quite a bit after that. Like I had doubled the complexity of the things I could wrap my head around. My friend on the other hand, is a genius now, but lost a lot of social restraint. Meaning he has no problem drawing attention to himself, in bad ways.
edit: some spelling errors and content