by Michael Valero
AKA - psypho
started: September 1, 2004
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This is a listing of links that will best explain the beginning half of this story.
The World and how it functins
Reasons in Behavior:
___a. You cannot move outside of any city or town, because there is an invisible barrier in place. In other words, going from one end of the map to the other, you'll just end up finding the pro-verbial "exit" out of town inaccessible, though you won't pop up on the other side of the city map like as though you were in the field. The Root Towns are especially protected areas that nullify the Cursed Wave effects that would normally effect a n-known field. You will though find an exit since such effects are nullfied making the exit obviously visible, and you will see an area that resembles much like a field that you can go out and mess around in. The catch is that when you find what should be an exit out of town or the city, you won't be abel to get out- you so much as hit it or touch it, the invisible barrier will ripple and appear on the spot where you touch or hit- and you won't get through- NO MATTER WHAT. Kinda like putting your hand just above the surface of water and noticing the texture of a water surface ripple and distort whats at the bottom- only this time, in the game, you can't get through, it reflects any and all hits magical and physical, and there's nothing you can do about it. (( further explaination will come from this link: working ))
___b. You can only get out into the "game-world" through a Chaos Gate to explore. This is so in order to best secure entry and exit of the Root Server. You see in actuality, the server isn't really the central mechanism in the game, but is just an "access server" to the "super server system complex". Kinda complicated, but think of it this way, the game, "The World" is a virtual re-construct of the "real world" inside a super computer that acts as the main server, with all the natural and environmental physics and attributes of the "real world". The Root Servers, themselves are just complex systems of access to this super computer and merely mirror and reflect whats there as the actual environment presupposing, and thereby super-impose and take the place of actual "city" or "area" found in the game-world. Essentially, you're taking a mirror and looking through it to the "root town" as though you're actually there, much like taking the mirrors of your car and looking back behind you as though you were really turning your head to look. This is so to make defined safe areas for players to return to when not adventuring in the fields and to best secure player safety from whatever possible "ill-effects" that the virtual-world construct's environment and affected creatures may have on players, as well as saving their data seperately from the super computer's main frame. To better dileneate the difference between "human" and AI players of the game. And without such barriers and limits in place, any field or dungeon monster could easily enter the Root Server and run amock in it, and at worst cases, may possibly occrue serious life-threatening injury to normal players mentally (as such is the case for such players as Tsukasa). In other words, without the barrier, people would immediately be KO'ed in a matter of seconds once entering the games Root Server- thus no one would play or even be able to play- and may p[ossible fall vistim to something worse. Or at least thats what I understood it to be from the website Helba's Gate and the Easter Egg section features on the Liminality DVD animes that came with the game chapters for .HACK//.
___c. As such with the barriers and such, the so-called Paradigm Shifts, as I have come to refer to the areas that repeat themselves and not be able to exit such elemental environment zones, would and could at anytime hold any number of monsters. Much like the game, those monsters that are trapped in portals and have been freed will be "restored" as such once exiting a field- much like the console game. Reason is this, is because the area can and will "shift" and as such has ample opportunity to be tampered with. In other words, you can assume that CC Corp personel have come into the area and have reset traps within the area at any given time when you are not in the immediate area. This is called "auto-function barrier entrappment", as this may sound, CC Corp personel don't have to have their character avatars on the spot to activate or re-activate a pre-set portal trap as they have set a sort of trap re-set symbol someplace within the area. As long as it remains there, it will continue to re-set traps that were set there in the first time around. The same goes for dungeons with their portals. Further explaination for portals will be found at this link: still working on it.
Explaination of Story Plot by Creators of .HACK//PROJECT
(( mind you this is the fantasy portion of the story based of the intelect and imagination from the creators of the anime.))
The game known as The World is a very popular online MMORPG played all around the world, thus there are more than one multiple networks of servers connected to a master computer. In my mind, the game itself is a virtual reality construct of earth, in terms of the most "astral projectional" sense. The Epitaph of Twilight tells of the end of the age of sprites or "spirits" that were very much not only an aspect in the astral plain, but of our own reality as well. At least, thats what I got out of .HACK//Liminality.
- Liminality means "the condition of being on a threshold or at the beginning of a process", its etymology is from Latin limen 'threshold' and is used as a noun in a sentence.
- Paradigm means "a set of assumptions, concepts, values, and practices that constitutes a way of viewing reality for the community that shares them, especially in an intellectual discipline", and its first appeared in English in the 15th century, meaning “an example or pattern,� and it still bears this meaning today: Their company is a paradigm of the small high-tech firms that have recently sprung up in this area. For nearly 400 years paradigm has also been applied to the patterns of inflections that are used to sort the verbs, nouns, and other parts of speech of a language into groups that are more easily studied. Since the 1960s, paradigm has been used in science to refer to a theoretical framework, as when Nobel Laureate David Baltimore cited the work of two colleagues that “really established a new paradigm for our understanding of the causation of cancer.� Thereafter, researchers in many different fields, including sociology and literary criticism, often saw themselves as working in or trying to break out of paradigms. Applications of the term in other contexts show that it can sometimes be used more loosely to mean “the prevailing view of things.� The Usage Panel splits down the middle on these nonscientific uses of paradigm. Fifty-two percent disapprove of the sentence The paradigm governing international competition and competitiveness has shifted dramatically in the last three decades.
Anyways, I've only mentioned the last two definitions to two words to better explain the phenomena within the game. Think of it as the great Italian work Decameron or what it should be better known as the "TALE OF 100 STORIES", and the opera work, by Wagner, called "DER RING DES NIBELUNGEN". It said that strange things begin to happen when you delve too deep into such sorks of art. That reality begins to unravel itself.
Much like how it is professed in .HACK//Liminality:In the Case of Kyoko Tohno, that the Epitaph is about a race of sprites that don't cast shadows, and are being devoured by a force called the "Cursed Wave". The sprites face extinction until Helba, the Queen of Darkness, and Apeiron, the King of Light, join forces to slow the advance of the Wave. A legend holds that three beings with shadows will set out in search of the Twilight Dragon at the wavering peninsula at the edge of the world. The beings are 1 human and two half-sprites that can cast shadows. They are assisted by two allies: Philly the White, and Bith the Black.
It is also mentioned in this particular anime partition that Professor Fukurai, who died in 1952, had been given a leave of absence from Tokyo Imperial University for having gotten too involved in studying spirit photography and psychic phenomenon. He was from Takayama, an isolated place filled with legends, and may have grown up believing in spirits. Kyoko wonders if viewing the Epitaph of Twilight may require a similar "paradigm shift" (using fantasy instead of logic).
Additional noting was taken on account of Kyoko's father relates the following: The Epitaph had appeared on the personal website of Emma Wielant, but was removed soon after. Stemming off of a spiritual experience thaat we are left to wonder what it was. Which led her to Rudolph Steiner's work- anthroposophy, prior to writing the Epitaph. Later, some fantasy writers and occultists became interested in the work, but by that time, Emma had died at age 28 in a car crash, and the original work had gotten lost. Seven of her most dedicated followers pieced together about 70% of it. Then, word got out the The World was based on Fragment, by the genius programmer Harald Hoerwick, and that it was based on the Epitaph. So now, with the fanfics and forgeries floating, there have been so many fake and altered versions of the Epitaph that it's not possible to know what the full scope of the true Epitaph of Twilight is.
It must also then be established that Harald had an interest in forging a bond between humans and computers, and had used anthroposophy as a starting point. Emma was trying to find the meaning of existence and had looked into anthroposophy because of it (apparently, she met Harald at an anthroposophy seminar). This is when she started writing the Epitaph of Twilight, and Harald was writing Fragment. When Emma had the car accident, she'd called Harald to meet him. He had no way of knowing she'd died, and was waiting for her under a large Ginko tree at the top of a hill.
To conclude what was then going on at the time of the Pluto Again panic and the Last Great Mystery of the game The World, it was given like this: that Harald had based Fragment on the Epitaph, but if the game was just modeled on the world-view of the poem, it would not have produced the chaos taking place in The World now. What he really did was to "bring the outside into the inside". And now, the boundaries are wavering. Kyoko might understand this, but Junichiro, the former graphics programmer director for CC Corp., needs a simpler explanation. To make his point, Bith, the stand-in for Helba in the meeting, takes a bite of hamburger and swallows it. Kyoko explains that there are combinations of two things - religion and secular, black and white, true and false - which can not be fully separated. This means that there's an area where the concepts blur and become ambiguous (the gray area). The boy Kasumi lived in the outside world, but in the game he was Sieg. His body was in Kanazawa when he lost consciousness, but he'd been playing inside the game at the time. So the question becomes "where was his consciousness at? The inside, or the outside?" You could make an argument either way. To make the distinction stick, you need to use force, but you have to understand the boundaries of the two elements first. In anthropology, the name for the nature of boundaries is "Liminality".
Kyoko tries to explain the idea in her own terms. Her parents moved to Gifu and assimilated into the society here by working for two years at getting to know people and deal with them. Kyoko, on the other hand, feels out of place in Gifu and uncomfortable having to live there. So, her personal boundaries are wavering. Biff says that the answer is simple - you separate the outside from the inside; or, you learn to become autonomous from the inside world. Unfortunately, the outside world that Harald brought into the game is also autonomous and hasn't become fully assimilated. If that's the case, then all Bith and company need to do is "help it along". To do this, Junichiro has to commit to the project and not waver any more. They have to take actions that, in the worst case, would result in they're being labeled criminals and wanted for arrest. Junichiro wavers, but Kyoko wants in.
Junichiro asks what would happen if they acted like he hadn't been told the truth. Bith answers that CC Corp. is planning on destroying the servers and burying all the problems in total obscurity, causing the clues to saving the coma victims to be lost. Bith gets into his taxi, saying that they'll next meet on Christmas Eve in Urayasu.
In the .HACK// games, the heroes known as Kite and Blackrose, the leaders of the player "clan" (there were more than 12 people in that group of players) known as the .HACKERS successfully beat all eight phases of the Cursed Wave and brought everyone that went comatose out of each of their own individual comas'. This in turn defeated the integral presiding administrative function AI of the game- The World. Tjis only merely restted her parameters to a different function and not eliminated her completely from the system, essentially, what she was at the hight of the conflict was made back to zero and the memory she retained set to zero as well- starting with a clean slate- possibly, or she was really eliminated from the system, either argument can be supported. This AI was known as Morganna La Mode Gone, which was responsible of the birth of the ultimate AI and daughter to Harold and Emma- Aura.
In addition, in the game, you get to bring back one of your party members that was actually an ultimate AI herself and a phase of the Cursed Wave, and her name was Mia- or in phase mode, MACHA: the TEMPTRESS.
From there, you get the stupified, dumb-down, kiddy re-oriented, joke of an anime known as .HACK//DUSK, which is supposed to take place four years after the previous events recounted by me concerning the console games. That you can go ahead and start finding out information on that as well on your own spare time.
__1. Ideas Expounded
Okay, I've heard a lot of stuff from other forums that speculated and conjectured many theories from 5 information sites, 9 Text RPG sites based off of it, and an additional 16 sites that ranged in 5 different languages as to how the game is really like in the anime series, and as to how they get it to work. Yeah, sounds stupid doesn't it, but if your Role Playing based off the anime that was just about that- online RPGs', and you so happen to have absolutely no idea as to how it worked in the anime. Whether to be able to "smell" in the game or "feel" pain from an inflicted wound from an opponent or a monster, just because it seemed as though in the anime you could, in whatever series you saw, and you figure "what should it matter if I can! I'm having fun and I'll RP the way I see fit and how I viewed the anime!!" Then you'd HAVE TO KNOW HOW THE FUCK IT WORKS!!
But lets not get onto the wrong foot here.

___a. Theaory #1. In the anime, Harold Hoerwick, the programmer that made the online RPG, The World, made a way for another dimension where spirits of folklore in the real world to be visited by normal online RPG players to play in, as well as explore. And thats why the line of the "outter" world, being reality, was uncontrollably flooding into the "inner" world, which was the game. That in reality, the monsters player characters fight actually orinate from a parallel plane of existance someplace else other than the The World.
What's stupid about this? One, though this is an anime, its almost based off reality, except of course a little bit of the supernatural here and there, citing of course .HACK//SIGN, BUT the fact that Harold, a programmer that only attended perhaps just a handful of seminars in anthropology could suddenly use mysticism and somehow insert it into a game. That, my friend is just stupid. Two, where the FUCK do you get the idea, granted and hypothetically speaking if the idea of visiting another dimension was the deal with the online RPG, could another dimension be existing at tandem and at the same time as well in the game?? If it was part of the game, would you think they would even hint it in the second season of .HACK//?? No?? Why?? And what about the fact that if it was truely another dimension, why the hell was it getting a proverbial invasion from another dimension filled with monsters? Why the hell would a dimension be invaded by OUR dimension and as well as another?? Think about it!! ITS STUPID and its not valid. Look, through out the anime and games I've read so far, and believe me, I've went so far as to use my credit card to do a lot of purchasing almost nearly the entire media, down to the stuffed puchigisos', that the idea of another tandem dimension is simply not the case. If anything, for something like that, why is it the case we go through a Chaos Gate?? Every time they go through it in the console games, though we not notice it much, every single fucking field I visited was minutely different to the next. The next dumbass argument that could rise up from this is that we're jumping through multiple dimensions- and thats just plain stupid.
___b. Theaory #2. Harold inserted so much mysticism into the game or programmed so well and refined (since he is a genius you know), its taken a life of its own. In that the game The World is now a legitimate "world of sorts". That with on top of the fact that people are playing the game, side-effects have kicked in, in that now you can smell and feel things in it as though you were in the real world.
What's stupid about this? Okay, this is just going back on what I've just talked about, and thats the fact that online RPG is not a real world. Why the hell would you have multiple servers connected to a friggin planet. Of course, the argument could be that the servers are really access areas to get into this "artificially created" real world. Okay, that seems pretty logical. But a program construct cannot and will never replace aor take on attributes indicative of the real world. Simple reason is, if it did- WE WOULDN'T BE USING STATS AND LEVELS IN THE FIRST PLACE!!! WE WOULDN'T NEED AN "EQUIP" OPTION TO GET OUR WEAPONS AND ARMOR ON!! WE'D JUST PUT 'EM ON LIKE REAL CLOTHES!! NO MATTER HOW WELL YOU PROGRAM, YOU CAN'T INSERT ABILITIES LIKE "SMELLING" AND "FEELING" INTO A GAME, UNLESS YOUR JESUS HIMSELF!!! YOU'D HAVE TO BE STUCK INTO A VAT OF GEL OR SOMETHING INSIDE OF A TEST TUBE OR HAVE YOUR OWN VIRTUAL SUIT AND GIANT SCANNER MACHINE WITH TREADS IN YOUR OWN ROOM, AND BE UNDER HYPNOSIS TO TRICK YOUR MIND INTO EVEN DOING THAT!!! AGAIN, ANOTHER STUPID THEARY!!
___c. Theory #3. The game is a hypnosis machine. You know what, this theory has to be the best one I've heard because I have thought of it myself and could possibly prove it true. It would explain a lot about portions of the anime .HACK//Liminaltiy, .HACK//DUSK, and the original, .HACK//SIGN having cut scenes where your looking at a screen with ripples of waves and high pitched sounds coinciding with the start of every ripple in Liminality. And the sychodelic "waves" of color and light when character of the anime would teleport from server to field, out of dungeons, logging into the game, and really odd areas where there seems to be no clearly defined ground to stand, and especially funky areas where there is too much going on. That also occurs very much in the .HACK// console games.
What's stupid about this? This could work, but the problem is the fact that it would require CC Corp to be in control of how VR voice headsets are made. That would mean that even if it could explain brain-wave sensory equipment installed inside the headset and the goggle LCD panels quality construction to invoke such a process, it would essentially mean that the headsets equipment would have to be far more advaced equipment. Standard Brain-Wave Sensors don't work too well in real life in concerns of scanning the human beings thought patterns while under hypnosis, as pointed out in scientific research, which mean they would need the more accurate variety, but it would mean a more of an expense and the headset would take on a super sized Darth Vader appearance in my mind, considering the equipment installed. Plus, the very thought that a game can induce hypnosis is hard to think, and even successful, the person would not be able to be functioning nomally and the mind would be nothing more than a blank slate and is only a proceedure used in psychological thereapy suggestion. If you could scan a mind and have it interact in the game, the information and complex manipulation of such information going from player to character to field of influence and back again would be astronomical and not possible. Then there's the fact that if Harold Hoerwick was nothing more than a genius programmer, he'd also would have to have a PHd. in Bio-Physiological Brainwave Studies. Thats something that would be crazy to assume, if he was that, he'd have to be a super-uber psycho genius, and thats just past Eistein genius. He's also be putting people at risk, for if the reciding AI monitor and corrections system for the game malfunstioned like it already did in the anime. It would be all to easy for the AI to do what it did in the anime. It would have a had a perfect copy of a Tsukasa in the game, which unfortunately for the AI, it didn't. Though, the program was also a self-evolving, learning program that could have compiled information to best hypnotize a human being and alter the brain chemistry so that the victim could in theory be hypnotize. There's also been research and studies conducted that the human mind can also act as an involuntary radio antenna receiving and putting out information, since thoughts are all produced through electrcial discharge- in essence mere brain electricity, and radio electrical fields can also give off electrical dischargees when putting out or receiving information. At least thats what I understand it to be. But as such, I don't believe Harold Hoerwick intended to have players consciences be put into the game as they play. Thats too much a risk and if the player experienced death, there would be no guarentee that the physical player's body and mind would be alive. The body cannot live without the mind, and if the mind experiences death, it would then shut down, and the body will go into shock and eventually death. This would not be a stupid theory, but a flawed theory.
__2. Finally, my idea Theory #4. Okay, so its down to me, and yeah, I know what all you are thinking: "What makes his idea so great?!?!" Well, to tell you the truth, it isn't. But it's a theory that best closely resemble the plot and seems the less "out-there" there is in ideas of what the whole of the story could be and most technical.
My Idea:
The World, as a game is the best game in the world, as such it needs to be understood. Since it is in immitation to Ultima Online, it has some parallels while in others it may not.
I know very little of Ultima except it used a similar field system, in that when you log-in, you get to create your own starting field and character with whatever features or adjustments in ability, appearance, geographical appearance, environment, climate, and weather you wanted to start with. This was just the start, in that as other players got on, they also created their own distinct fields. The thing was that as the players interacted and played in their environments and in others, the virtual world would constantly change, and that your specific field may in one day be bordered to another distinct field, and the next day, it would be completely different. This constant change, I bet, was a real challenge, but kept things fresh.
In the anime, the game, that we all know for a fact doesn't even exist, used a completely different system. In that as you log in, you come into a server, which was called a Root Town, and there are multiple of these servers, each very much different to the next and with different themes. Also each of these servers account for level and had access to areas that were to indicative to these pre-set levels. In other words, when you access a field, it will give a pre-set number level field that will be between an interval set [number set, like level one to level twenty] that the player may play. Each server would have this pre-set interval going from lowest to highest, indicating the level of power a player may have.
A player who is playing the field will have a variety of environments that will change daily in weather conditions, climate, and time of day. Once a player figures out how to best use the keywords that made just adjustments, the player can then customize his or her own preferred field of play. This not only gave players the ability to play in whatever area, but also guarenteed that players would have some measure of singular play, where if and when a player plays solo and uses a field- the likelieness of another player accessing the same field or "hunting" down the said player- it would be a literal coin toss of ever finding that player character that just arrived at a set field area.
What should be noted that these areas were literal "twilight zones". I don't know the right words to best explain this, but what I mean by this is that when your in a field and try running out of it into another environment zone, you'd just end up on the other side of the map. Thats right, you can't get out. And all physical environment features, characteristics, and distinct land marks will be mirror images and repetitions of each other. At least, thats what I got out of the console game.
This phenonmena, I will call "Paradign Shifts", meaning areas that cover a ceratin volume of area in The World and are a mere figment or mirror of what is truely there. Think of it this way, when you're in a forest, and God decided that you will never get out, He shouldn't have to erect a barrier around the area you're in. It could be said that God could keep you there "running in circles", in that God, in theory can close off the area and make it into its own "little world" of sorts, and you will never know that you were stuck in this until you realize you're running in circles in the same spot. This is the feeling and the situation that should be found in every field.
But what if The World was bigger than it was letting on? Remember, The World was really a virtual environment created to fascilitate the "birth" of Aura and to render into this AI knowledge and "humanity" through interaction to real people. What if the The World is in fact a virtual world? Well, of course, that would mean a lot of programming, but Harold was a genius and had a marginal amount of resources even before selling out to CC Corp.. I say this because he already completed something, and that was Fragment, and so we can assume that he did have some resources, but he couldn't do it all himself.
Why is it The World a game where you'd have to go a field through a Chaos Gate? I can only say that it may be because that since The World is based off of the Epitaph of Twilight and perhaps a recreation of it, it can only be conjectured that it has something to do with the Cursed Wave.
"The Cursed Wave?? I thought it was something that the Eight Phases were called?" That may be right in part due to the .HACK// console games that discussed this. But I have a theory in that, Morganna, the AI responsible of the The World's functions and Aura's birth, had then activated the Eight Phases to serve her purposes, but are essentially an effect of the Cursed Wave. As much as th barriers around Root Towns and fields are much an effect made by the Cursed Wave. This much I will esablish as part of the problem. As well as the fact that there is littel information known of the Cursed Wave except for what I assumed was demonstrated- yes, that right, the Eight Phases are what I consider as the subordinates to whatever it may be. The reason I think this is the hint left by Kyoko Tohno concerning the Epitaph of Twilight: "Kyoko wonders if viewing the Epitaph of Twilight may require a similar "paradigm shift" (using fantasy instead of logic)."
If that was the case, Harold may have put the lay out for the game in terms of not was what analyzed as the emotional and psychological window into Emma Weilant's mind, but as a fanciful tale. If that was truely the case, then the Cursed Wave has to be a something or someone. That's my guess, or so I think.
Then it comes down to what should be done. If the Cursed Wave can be defeated, then I hypothesize that the The World game will reset and reconstruct itself as a normal world, at least as normal as a virtual artificial world can be. Now, the question is, where can you find something like that in a game that has well over a billion possibilities and areas by itself?
Finding that area field or special area where the source of the Cursed Wave would reside, in terms of the anime's context and what could be accomplished in the game, it would be next to impossible to accurately find it in terms of the game's mechanics, and of course, the Cursed Wave would make searching for it that much more complicated. At least thats what I believe would be happening logically speaking. Some sort of set of clues must, and at least, be left around for some players to find. But who should find those clues? The one who weilds the Twilight Bracelet? Or could there be other players in the game that can do the job as good as those who saved those from death from the Last Great Mystery[ of The World- the first time?
Normal players prior to the .HACKERs' were able to release one poor soul from a prison where reality and un-reality would have been next to undistinguishable and possibly would have been inadvertantly "killed" if pulled off life-support.
That I will leave for now and just feel hopeful that they'll finish such an epic story.