As in one of Reki's announcements, it's a screenshot of a chat program called 'Rena's Room.' You create an avatar, can walk around Mac Anu and chat with people. Or something. Reki was the one playing around with it. ;>_>
Sounds about like the fate of chatting as we know it. A way to mix games and chat rooms. Sort of like .hack in how all some of the characters do is sit around and talk, rather than play the game.
Reki wrote:Rena's Room
It's an official chatroom for .hack//Udeden! It's really neat, I think. It's a little program where you control a small sprite and can wander around Mac Anu talking to other fans of .hack//Udeden or .hack in general! Of course, most people only speak Japanese, but maybe someone will speak another language. It's worth a try, I think! You can also customize your sprites somehow, but I haven't looked into that yet.
The link for this is on the Cyberconnect2 .hack page, by the way, I will try to post that here later, if I have time.
I forgot about that announcement. Well, I posted the link, so I hope that helps anyone who was curious.
It reminds me of that one chat from a while back called Uni-chat,where you can use a character and customize it to your liking while going to different chats that had different areas,does anyone remember that?
"True strength comes with time..through presistent training!!"-Ouka,Vol. 2
Yes, indeed i do remember Unichat. lol
I was always a character that was a kid kicking a soccerball and he morphed into a porcupine, I believe.
I also think the company that made Unichat moved into creating Xbox games.
i dont know i was camping out for a while trying to chat with them and next thing i know someone whith her name shows up. takes a while to change outfits then promptly walked around
i followed her and have a few more but this was the only one worth posting.
Balmung looks like he's irritated at the others... Anyways, that's pretty neat. If only the US was more commited to their cartoons... And I don't mean making horrible Simpsons games and McDonald's toys. :P
Ah, Uni-Chat... I was Mochi. I played as the weird Tamagotchi-looking thing. Ironically enough, it morphed into a white, puffy thing that looked a bit like a mochi. XD
"Do something." -- Instructions to an arcade game in Las Vegas.
. H A C K // S O R A wrote:i dont know i was camping out for a while trying to chat with them and next thing i know someone whith her name shows up. takes a while to change outfits then promptly walked around
i followed her and have a few more but this was the only one worth posting.
It has to be...its too much of a coincidence not to be.... I'm gonna give it a try...lets see who's hagin out in there now.
Lycoris: What is the name of your spear?
Alberio: It is the Divine Spear of Wotan.
Lycoris: It is a Spear of God.
Alberio: That's right. could always ask her? Of course that could be extreamly awkward Anyway i tried the chat thing out. It was uhhh quite "entertaining". It would been funner but it took me a half an hour just to figure out how to talk in the thing..........*mumble* stupid spacebar *mumble*
"That power you have... is the same power that put Orca into a coma!" - Balmung
haha yeah i noticed that also . I accully got my character changed to a crimson knight but still had a hard time moving around and i couldnt figure out how to change my Nickname. And whats with that GO button?
"That power you have... is the same power that put Orca into a coma!" - Balmung