Is Vol 3 of the Manga out yet?

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Post by kboy7 »

Sankan wrote:Balmung is on the cover. But I only got it cus I saw it on the rack at this bookstore that sells anime and crap, and it was going out of buisness so everything has to go, and If I am correct it is the third book.
It should say part three right?
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Post by Xhacker »

Hey, Sankan. Why don't you post a picture of the front, back, AND first pages of the book. That is if you REALLY have it! :twisted:
Last edited by Xhacker on Sun Feb 15, 2004 5:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Tsukaru »

Aw shit man......... It really wasnt it....... I did some homework on it and found out that its just a hoax book or sumtin like that. A waist of 12 bucks if ya asked me, I read it and its nothing about the manga or anything. A friend of mine has a dad who works with a company who takes in shipping of the anime products, and he said in March it should come out, for thats when they get the shipmant, sorry, I didnt read it when I posted that. My bad -_-;
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Post by krono7 »

they really need to come out with the third manga soon im getting bored of waiting!well i guess it would kinda suck if tyhey realesed them all at once then youd get done with them in a day or two and be bored again.
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Post by Tsukasa »

No good is going to come from the way this topic has degenerated. Please, understand Sankan, when you get something like that, people are going to expect proof. I'd suggest you be a bit more prepared with it before making such a statement. We usually ask for people to come up with logical reasonings to go with whatever statements they make, I'd hope that you all would have the common sense to do so with something silly as claiming you have something, when it, in fact, isn't it.
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