no, elk did not see it, or blackrose. No one sees it in its idle state (except for special people). Also note that [spoiler]Sora can see your bracelet. Maybe being Data Drained takes something, but gives you something in return?[/spoiler]
You're only young once, but you're NEVER too old to be immature.
No, I don't think you need spoilers cuz that was a question... [spoiler]Yes, people who get data drained fall into comas. However, this does not apply to NPCs since there is no body to put into a coma. [/spoiler]
*Insert line full of moral and wisdom*
(The name is ENDER!!!!)
Uh... BlackRose did see the bracelet.[spoiler]When you enter Theta Chosen Hopeless Nothingness the first time to fight Skeith, she comments that the bracelet is shining.
And no, not everyone who gets Data Drained falls into a coma. Kite and the people in his party are somehow protected from that part of the attack.[/spoiler]
Well, note that i said that you can't see it when it's idle. Only the special people can. When it's in action though, then of course you can. Balmung saw it, Helba, Lios, etc.
You're only young once, but you're NEVER too old to be immature.
How are they different, you mean? [spoiler]Kite's bracelet keeps getting new powers over the course of the four games. By the end of QUARANTINE, he has the regular Data Drain, Drain Arc, 2128 Drain, and Drain Heart. With one exception (Corbenik), the Phases are limited to using the normal Data Drain with their bracelets. Also, they don't have to Protect Break people in order to Data Drain them. They probably can't Gate Hack either, although they don't really need to. [/spoiler]