.hack//LotT vol. 3 scans

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Angel of the Apocolypse
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.hack//LotT vol. 3 scans

Post by Angel of the Apocolypse »

I just got .hack//LotT vol. 3 in japanese. (I can read very little Japanese, so do expect a translation anytime soon.) If any of you want any scans, just ask. Angel will be very happy to make some. Oh, and Hotaru's grunty is awsome looking. And then there's Lukk, the winged Wavemaster, who appears in a mini manga at the end called .hack//Rare Hunter, which is mainly about Mireille.
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Post by Duskino »

Ah, Look! I have scans from that whole chapter, and if you guys are wondering who this Look/Luc guy is, here he is:


Yes, the wings included.

He's adorable, ne? -^___^-
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Post by YamiJared »

yes, it's like, a Tsukasa/Elk/Angel hybrid! the ULTIMATE CUTE! ARGH! MUST HAVE! NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED! @_@ ^_^ *is now a brainwashed follower of the cuteness*
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Post by En der »

My, how cute ^_^ (let's not turn this into a fanart discussion...)
Aota wrote:And then there's Lukk, the winged Wavemaster, who appears in a mini manga at the end called .hack//Rare Hunter, which is mainly about Mireille.
I have never heard of this... Does this belong in the timeline or is it just an extra?
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Post by YamiJared »

yes, we need more info, is this side story canon? is this Lukk fellow a hacker? won a special event? an AI? I must know!
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Post by Tsukaru »

He seems like a mix between Balmung, Tsukasa/Elk, and Reki.
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Post by YamiJared »

I KNOW! and he's just so CUTE! makes me want to go super otaku yaoi mode and put him in every good love triangle imaginable @_@
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Post by Deimos »

If the story he appears in is about Mireille and rare items, then he probably won the wings in an event. Maybe he's another of Mireille's ultra-rare friends?
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Post by YamiJared »

hm, but Balmung has wings too, maybe they ressurected One Sin? or maybe he was part of the old Descendants of Fianna and everyone was supposed to get wings, and instead of giving them to someone else, Orca just threw them away? or more likely, maybe Lukk is a friend of Orca, everyone in the winning party was supposed to get wings, and Orca gave his to Lukk? I like the third theory quite well ^_^ anyone else have input?
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Post by Angel of the Apocolypse »

No, they didn't bring back the one Sin event, nor was Lukk a part of Balmungs or Orca's party. He's just an ordinary player who got his hands on a really rare item. And from what I could read, I don't think he's a friend of Mirielle either. When Mirielle first sees him, she goes crazy and tackles him, hugging his wings while saying something about how rare they are. *sighs* That's Mirielle... ^_^;
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Post by YamiJared »

well, I still think it's possible for him to be a hacker or an AI, an AIs are cool, so....yea, but then he could of just edited his character like that angel n00b did in Quarantine, whatsherface, um, the one with the halo and big arse axe, um *snaps figures trying to think* ah I'll figure it out
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Post by Angel of the Apocolypse »

You mean Ryoko? Well, it's strongly beleived, on many other board I've been to, that wings are availible to female heavy axemen. Since male heavy axemen are usually ugly, it is beleived that the CCcorp gave the option of female axemen to have wings if they wished, to make them look more angelic than the male. And no, Lukk in NOT an AI.

[spoiler]At the end, Lukk delete's his wings. You see a player in the real world press the delete button on his keyboard, and in the next image Lukk no longer has gis wings.[/spoiler]
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Post by Tsukaru »

Its serious discussion so you dont really need spoilers, and I agree with you, because all of the female heavy axemen have the little wings. Example Subaru and a few others.
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Post by Xhacker »

For some reason, I don't think those tiny wings would be able to support their bodies in flight so the wings are just useless additions to a players avatar, right?
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Post by Tsukaru »

By the way, if you have not seen the cover of the third Graphic Novel hear it is:
